Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez strikes the campaign for other dems


WASHINGTON – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will travel to Michigan this weekend, where she will empower a host of political progressives – including the first Muslim women to run for Congress.

Rep. Joe Crowley in June, Ocasio-Cortez has devoted significant resources to building a brigade of new progressives across the country looking to shake the establishment.

His public appearances and social media helped the candidates to attract national attention, fresh donations and volunteer support. After Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders rallied for Democratic candidate Brent Welder in Kansas, he raised $ 110,000 in less than a week.

The objective of Ocasio-Cortez is to help the Democrats reclaim the House in November. Like-minded representatives band together to force action on progressive priorities without fear – like Medicare for all, a tuition-free college, an immigration reform and a minimum wage of $ 15 / hour. Corbin Trent, spokeswoman for Ocasio-Cortez, said about a new generation of representatives working with seasoned lawmakers.

Similar to the influence of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus in the majority of the GOP House, a small subgroup of Socialist Democrats and their allies might have the power to influence the legislation in a narrow Democratic majority.

"We have seen in our history as a nation that it does not take a whole lot of people.It takes dedicated people to make significant changes, be it the foundation and the formation of this country , or whether it's the end of slavery or its civil rights, things start in small groups and become a much larger movement.

Ocasio-Cortez had been campaigning in Kansas, Missouri and Saturday in Michigan

First, she will hold rallies around the state for Abdul El-Sayed, a progressive outsider seeking to win the Democratic primary.He will be the first Muslim governor in the United States on Sunday, August 4.

On Sunday, she will attend a Muslim rally where two congressional candidates are trying to become the first Muslim women in the House – Fayrouz Saad and Rashida Tlaib

There are two Muslim men in Congress – Keith Ellison ( D-Minn.) And Andre Carson (D-Ind.) – but no women.

Ocasio-Cortez could risk upsetting Jewish voters in her Queens district by She campaigned with Tlaib, an American Palestinian opposed to recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

In his first foray into Middle East politics two weeks ago, Ocasio-Cortez stumbled

. "Occupation of Palestine" while supporting "the right of Israel to exist."

Pressed on his position, Ocasio-Cortez admitted "I am not the expert" on the issue.

Saad, 35, said "100%" agrees with the power of a sub-caucus in Congress and hopes that she will be able to join Ocasio-Cortez in Washington DC [19659002"It'sreallyanopportunitytoreallymakeadifference"saidSaadwhosupportstheeliminationofICEinitscurrentformextendtheGI

Saad said that she relied on the presence of Ocasio-Cortez to energize the voters of her district

"Her election gave many people the confidence they needed to feel that a progressive message can win and the candidates who are there are viable, are credible and have the ability to do it.And it is there that the electorate is also, "Saad said. , which refuses the money of the PAC companies.

There is already a progressive caucus in the House, but it is broad, institutionalized and represents a diversity of points of view. The Freedom Caucus on the right, however, has a renegade spirit, has ravaged House speakers and risks drastic measures, such as a government shutdown, to force a point of principle.

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) Co-chairs the Progressive Caucus and recognizes that the Ocasio-Cortez victory shows that the demands of the progressive base must be taken seriously.

"The new harvest leadership in the House comes with more urgency and comes (believing) that patience is not necessarily a virtue," Grijalva said. "It belongs to the Democrats to listen."

"He should send a message to congressional progressives that they should not be so risky," said Grijalva, who is part of the "Democrats of Justice" list of candidates like Ocasio-Cortez.

"Sometimes it's good to have 80 members, but 20, 30 or less who are committed and who are ready to face any opposition … is important. This is the mechanism that will move the agenda forward in the House. "

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) Is a member of the Progressive Caucus and the only person in Congress who endorsed Ocasio-Cortez. But he does not think the left should develop his own version of the Freedom Caucus.

"I believe we should have a lot of ideas and a solid debate of ideas that eventually leads to the truth," Khanna said. . "I do not believe in the group thinks I think the danger of our policy is that we should not believe that we have the monopoly of the truth.We should win on the basis of a debate of ideas rather than bending power. "

After swinging from Michigan, Ocasio-Cortez returns to New York and is scheduled to stage a fundraiser with Cynthia Nixon on Aug. 10, according to Nixon. governor's campaign.

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