Alina Grosu lit the pregnant stomach: photo


The scandalous Ukrainian singer Alina Grosu, who lives and works in Russia, likes to attract attention and shock the audience, who manages to make her page on Instagram. The girl often teaches nude pictures, showing the public how she grew up and that there is nothing more of this "bee" to which everyone is accustomed.

But this time, Alina Grosu decided to show a little more interesting, namely a huge belly of a pregnant woman. At first glance, this "puja" hardly differs from the present, but, as guessed the admirers of the artist, the stomach is a fake. The fact is that Gros is filmed in the following series and that the role requires "to get pregnant".

In a photo appearing in the star's recording, she appeared in front of the public in the locker room. On her is a long dark red dress that kisses a huge belly and a brown dress without a vest. Alina stands for a "puja" and seems amazed in front of the camera. His hair was torn, but a few bundles of fringes collapsed and his face was lightly made up.

Alina Gros wrote with humor in the signature of a photo: "He is only eating a lot of flour temporarily. # Zaknapeske." The star's followers did not have to wait and began to actively discuss his new publication. Some users took the artist 's pregnancy seriously and began to greet her, while others simply wrote him compliments.

"Beauty", "When will the movie be released?", "Alina, you love pregnancy a lot, be happy", "Do not worry, prosper", "Nothing to do with you", "Alina, you are beautiful", "Alinoche, you like a lot the picture and the pregnancy", "I was already afraid", "of whom, can you know it?", "You are very happy, very beautiful, "" Kapetz, and I've already believed! "," Flight? "," Is that what I think, is this still a pillow? "- write in the comments on the photo .

Alina Grosu showed her "Secret love." [19659002] The portal "Znayu.u" had previously indicated that Gross's prodotka had been touted for the first time by the groom.

The portal "Znayu.u" had also written that Alina Grosh had been taken in the arms of a young and handsome man.

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