All options remain on the table: the White House does not exclude US military intervention in Venezuela – World


But the White House is convinced that this is a peaceful transfer of power.

The introduction of American troops or the Allied Army to Venezuela is not an inevitable fact, but Washington continues to examine all the options for

John Bolton, Counselor of the United States President for National Security, Hill said.

He stated that the United States, Brazil, Colombia and the United States were not about to take the decision of military intervention in Venezuela.

But the advisor also noticed that US President Donald Trump had stressed that all options remained on the table.

Video Venezuela plans to sell 15 tons of gold to the OAU

The United States Government calls on the world to refrain from treating Venezuela with illegal Oil and gold. It's like the latest attempt by official leader Nicholas Maduro to loot the country. Venezuelan parliamentarians assume that he has already sent 20 tons of gold to Moscow

  Venezuela plans to sell 15 tons of gold to the OAU

Recall that on January 23 Venezuela had begun mass demonstrations against President Nicholas Maduro. Head of the National Opposition Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guadio declared himself president of the country. The National Assembly has in turn announced that Guaido was acting as president of the country

The White House announced that US President Donald Trump had already officially recognized as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Canada were declared legitimate leaders of Venezuela . Juan Guayado also supported the Organization of American States.

Later, Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro announced the decision to sever diplomatic and political relations with the United States, which supported Guayido. Germany and Spain called on Maduro to announce a new presidential election for eight days, otherwise they will be recognized as the legitimate leader of Guaido. In response to this, Nicolas Maduro advised Europe to give up the ultimatum and not to go wrong. Later, the European Parliament adopted a resolution of the Acting President of Venezuela on the recognition of Juan Guadio .

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Who recognized Maduro as president of Venezuela.

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