American marmots forecast during polar swirl


P unxsutawney Phil spoke. Spring is coming early.

Neither the famous groundhog nor Staten Island Chuck, originally from New York, saw their shadows, according to the Associated Press. Essex Ed, his neighbor in New Jersey, residing at Turtle Back Zoo.

According to legend, if a groundhog sees its shadow on February 2, six more weeks of winter time will be announced.

The other marmots in the country have their own predictions. In Milwaukee, Gordy the Groundhog agreed with his East Coast counterparts that spring would come as soon as possible, Fox 6 reported. This was the first prediction of the 10-month-old groundhog resident of the Milwaukee County Zoo. .

Buckeye Chuck, of Ohio, did not see much on Saturday morning, officially announcing an early spring there as well.

Jimmy, the official four-legged prognosticist from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, predicts an early spring.

This is probably good news for many, as the Midwest faces this week record temperatures recorded by a polar vortex. The weather phenomenon has seen Arctic air trapped in the region and temperatures well below zero in many states.

But there was at least one groundhog that did not have good news for those suffering from an unusual cold. At the Tennessee Aquarium, Chattanooga Chuck has not given reliable predictions. More winter is coming, he predicted.

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