An American diplomat explained how the United States can prevent Putin's aggression in Ukraine


The current weak Western response to the capture of Ukrainian ships by Russia gives Putin a tactical advantage. In order to avoid further escalation, the United States should help Ukraine to defend itself in case of provocation and attack.

The Ambassador of the Secretary-General of the United States to Ukraine, Director of the Atlantic Council, John Herbst [Atlantique] writes about it.

Read also: What weapons were given to Ukraine by the United States and what cost: infographic

He pointed out that it would be "stupid" to consider the incident in the Kerch Strait as a problem for Ukraine. Although the Kremlin aggression is focused on Ukraine, the goal of the Russian Federation is a revisionist policy aimed at weakening NATO and the European Union.

Washington could ruin Putin's plans if he had to pay a very high price for the war with Ukraine. The United States must impose tough sanctions on Russian leaders and the economy.

Herbst also believes that Ukraine must transfer more weapons.

The United States must send to Ukraine at least 6, and preferably 12, the Mark V. PT landing gear. They should be armed with at least 50 but better than 100 Hellfire missiles. The United States must also hand over at least one hundred Harpoon anti-ship missiles to the Ukrainian army
he said.

The expert notes that boats of the Mark V PT can be thrown to Mariupol and Berdyansk by plane. According to him, Washington will be able to save on the storage of anti-ship missiles since the 1970s, "if a party is simply presented to Ukraine".

These missiles, which he proposes to transfer to Ukraine, have a range of up to 100 kilometers. This will create problems for Russian ships if they attempt to reach Mariupol and Berdyansk or other Ukrainian cities.

Herbst also notes that the United States must also help Ukraine to strengthen its military presence in the Sea of ​​Azov. The American Mark V. boats can give the Ukrainian fleet an advantage that will endanger the big Russian ships.

He adds that Mark V is armed with torpedoes. According to him, "they will become even more of a threat to Russia" if they are equipped with Hellfire missiles. The former ambassador believes that Washington should send radar and intelligence systems in Ukraine

The United States is not able to abolish Russia's domination in the Azov region just as they can not override Russian military superiority over the Donbass. But they can give Ukraine an asset to create an asymmetrical challenge for Moscow,
– says Herbst

. He notes that US weapons will give Kiev an opportunity to defend itself in case of provocation and attack. Putin is currently using the fact that there is no obstacle to Russian aggression in the water sector.

By the way, recently, John Herbst said that the United States could provide arms to Ukraine and impose new sanctions on Russia in the two to three months following the aggression of the Russia in the Kerch Strait.

What happened in the Kerch Strait? 19659016] On November 25, in the Kerch Strait, a Russian border ship made a descent into the tug of the Ukrainian army. It is notorious that two small armored artillery boats and Ukrainian combat tugs have passed by international standards, from the port of Odessa to the port of Mariupol.

However, Russia has stated that Ukrainian warships have entered illegally. temporarily closed the waters of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation and continued the movement towards the Kerch Strait.

A group of Ukrainian ships continued their journey to Mariupol. However, during the withdrawal from the Kerch Strait, Russian border ships opened fire on Ukrainian ships, injuring six Ukrainian soldiers. Russia also captured two Ukrainian ships and 24 Ukrainian sailors, who were later arrested in occupied Crimea and taken to SIZO Moscow.

After that, Ukraine introduced a military state in the 10 regions until December 26th. In addition, on November 30, Ukraine banned the entry of Russian citizens between the ages of 16 and 60 into its territory.

Russia also blocks, for the first time in the sea of ​​Azov, foreign ships calling Ukrainians. ports As a result, the Ukrainian economy is booming

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