An American officer expressed the main problem of countries after joining NATO – News from politics


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The official believes that it is useful for Ukraine to live in such a situation when the country relies only on itself

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C & # 39; what Captain VM said. Harry Tabach, from the United States, reports "The Observer". He pointed out that many of the countries that are now members of NATO have already relaxed.

"They think that they say it's not terrible that our defense is weak.After all, America will come to save.But non-NATO countries – Israel, Korea, Japan – have a very strong defense system and army, because they rely on their own forces, "Tabakh explained

. But at the same time, he believes that, from a political and diplomatic point of view, membership in NATO will give Ukraine much more influence on the current situation .

"Therefore, I think that it is useful for Ukraine to live in a situation where the country is counting on itself, of course, there is still much to be done in the Ukrainian Armed Forces to manufacture, rebuild , group, etc., "added the US officer.

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