Anastasia Rasskazova will speak for Ukraine, biathlon


The Executive Committee of the International Union of Biathletists (IBU) has authorized the change of sports citizenship of the Russian Anastasia Rasskazova. Anatassia Rasskazova "data-src ="×2000 "data-large-src =" /gallery/2019/2/7/88916.jpg"/>

Anastasiya Rasskazova


An official letter from the IBU reached the office of the Biathlon Federation of Ukraine (FBU) on Wednesday 6 February

Rasskazova will be able to take part in the final rounds of the IBU Junior Championship in Sweden, Sweden Torsby (1-2 March), as well as at the Junior Championship of Europe in Norway, Shushen, Norway (March 6-10).

According to OBOZREVATEL, on the replenishment the national team of Ukraine in the summer of last year told the FBU president Volodym Ir Brinzac: According to the president of the federation, Kateryna Bech, Anastasiya Rasskazova and Oksana Moskalenko should receive Ukrainian citizenship

Katerina Beh has already formalized the citizenship of our country ys and has managed to win two medals for the World Junior Biathlon Championship for Ukraine.

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