Angelina Jolie prepares a plan for the return of Brad Pitt – ZIK.UA news


Second attempt: Angelina Jolie prepares her return Brad Pitt

  Angelina Jolie prepares her return Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie prepares her return Brad Pitt

According to American sources, 43-year-old Angelina Jolie was amazed by the jealousy when she learned of the existence of a new Brad Pitt novel with actress Charlize Theron

Insiders claim that the actress has once again felt a story of Love for her ex-husband, reports Newsyou.

It is reported that Jolie has fundamentally overhauled her family. values ​​and now believes that children should grow up in a complete family, and she needs a male concern. It is interesting to note that it is Pitt who has been watching his wife's weight for many years and has not let it lose weight due to critical condition.

Insiders now claim that Jolie has decided to take a desperate step and even prepares a plan for the return of Brad Pitt, who has been in contact for a month already. Teron The truthful words of the source and an attempt to bring back number two Angelina to her husband will only show the time.

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