Ani Lorak criticized for not having enough: photo


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Many admirers of the Ani Lorak outfit looked strange.

  New image Lorak did not like much / photos "src =" "title =" New image Lorak did not like much / photos "/> 

<p> New image Lorak did not like / photos singer Ani Lorak, who recently divorced from her husband Murat, shared photos with unusual photographers and fans. </h2>
<p><span class= Read also Ani Lorak overdose with a decollete (video)

] The artist appeared in an instagram published in a new form that many consider as teenagers and tasteless: a bright red jacket, wicker hats and jeans.

Many admirers of the Ani Lorak outfit looked strange and "bought in China". [19659007] "Pretty commercials, tired!", "Down with the Chinese people", "In Zverev, it is by eil "," The Chinese, here happiness, "are written in comments.

Previously, the famous Ukrainian singer Tina Karol captured the admirers of the new instant "summer".

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