Apple has removed the FaceTime bug, allowing people to spy / News /


The American company Apple has released an updated version of the iOS 12.1.4 operating system, which fixed the bug that allowed to spy on the correspondents in FaceTime.

The company also apologized to the users and thanked them for their patience. "Our team performed a thorough security audit of FaceTime and introduced additional updates both in the application itself and on the server for added security, including the previously unknown vulnerability in Live. Photos in FaceTime, "explained the company.

Reminder, the bug in the application allowed the person to call, listen to and overwrite other callers of the group until the ############################################################################################# They answer it.

To do this, the user had to call another person via FaceTime, then, without picking up the phone, adding himself to that call, supposedly turning it into a group.

The application was "deceived" and began to play sound and picture from the mobile device of another person.

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