"Ariel" Taylor Swift staged a costume party – Glamor


A celebrity singer gathered in her Manhattan apartment

The popular American singer Taylor Swift, who became a member of the world's most influential women's staged a New Year theme party

. myself in an apartment in Manhattan. Guests included Gigi Hadid, Blake Lively and other celebrities.

On her Instagram page, the star shared pictures of costume celebrations.

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"Mary Poppins, Audrey, Ariel, Miss Fries, Cinderella, Gwen, Mister Frogs, April, Nancy Drew, Chica Spiezia, Rizzo, Frida Callo, Steve Irwin, Dorothy … In this new year, we have decided to wear our childhood heroes.We send you your love and best wishes 2019 ", – commented Taylor's photographs, which appeared in the form of 39, a red-headed siren Ariel.

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Judging by the photo of celebrities, they had a truly brilliant 2019 year!

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Recent Recall The media reported that Taylor Swift filed a lawsuit.

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