as the story of love began, the news of Russia


Recently, the Russian scandal of the show business broke out because of the rumors that the actor Pavlo Pryluky would have beaten his wife Agatha Muczeniece. There was therefore other ambiguous news about a couple's life – at the time of the sale, they exposed their common home.

Pryluchny and Mutseniece met in December 2010 at the beginning of their joint work on the series "Closed School".

"We were constantly communicating On the playground, played a couple of lovers and it was hard to be honest … The final consciousness that Agatha – the one I want to be played with during a kiss cinematographic, then I realized: I found only one ", – so Paul told the beginning of the story of love in an interview

Already in August 2011 married couple taking the relationship in a Moscow registration office. During the marriage years, they were the son of Timothy and the daughter Mia.

As reported by the "Starkhit", just days after the announcement of a strong feud in the network, the sale of the country house Priluchniy and Mutsensee in the Moscow region totaled 25 million Rubles (about 10.6 million hryvnia).

At the same time, the stellar couple notes that the price of a 245-meter-long house with a large lot is undervalued, because the land and the treatment are much more expensive.

"Friends, we sell to the beloved house, therefore, to whom he will pass, however, he is very lucky.we can say that we break the heart of the hands to We built for ourselves, so everything is very convenient and of high quality.Ideally for children, neighbors are cool. "There are seven around ski resorts," wrote Agata in Instagram.

We know that the house is located in a village that protects the perimeter, with a guest parking, recreation area, children's playground and swimming pool.

Remember that Prylucnyy reportedly beat Mutsenice on New Year's Eve in Moscow, after which she shut up his wife at home and did not release her.

This information was belied by the couple's public relations manager, calling this from the land and adding that everyone in the family lives in peace.

After the incident, Agatha Muczeniece published an unexpected photo with her husband.

As written by OBOZREVATEL, the Russian actor of the theater and cinema Marat Basharov, the star of the images "Cordon."

After an argument, she was forced to go to the theater. Urgent because the angry man had broken his nose

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