Asic recounted what made him such a great boxer – Sport


Sasha also noted that he did not feel like a star

The absolute heavyweight champion of the world Alexander Usik described what had helped him become a boxer as incredible.

that despite past successes, does not feel somehow unusual.

"I am very calm in this respect, I do not go from this roof and I do not feel the coolest in the world God be praised, everything is so true I have to do what I am now I have to work, I have to be a little "sick", stubborn and work "- Usik said in an interview with PravdaTUT Lviv .

Remember that last year Usik became the winner of World Superside Boxing (WBSS) then defended the four belts in a battle against the British Tony Belly ].

ashko has 16 victories (12 knockouts) in 16 professional battles.

currently plans for the transition to the Ukrainian heavyweight battle with weight and Anthony Joshua. There is also talk of a bet with a fight against Dillian White . The estimated date of the next Battle of Uskaya is April 2019.

Earlier heavyweight ratings (weight, weight) were estimated by the legendary boxer .

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