Assad criticized the creation of the local Church in Ukraine and shouted to Russia that "everyone is attacking" – the world


According to him, the CPU is an "artificial" entity and "divides the faithful".

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made an analogy between the attempted separation of the Church of Antioch in Syria and Lebanon.

He said at a meeting with the delegation of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Sablin, Duma deputy, after contacting the Syrian leader, that Tass had been informed.

you, but also with us. Today we see attempts to divide the church and. Our land – again the separation of the churches of Antioch in Syria and Lebanon "

"In particular," it is about the independence of the Lebanese metropolis, "quotes President Sablin, who explained that it was a metropolitan Beirut and warned that it "could follow the continuation of this process."

this division on all international platforms, "continued Sablin. "Otherwise, we will have hundreds of Orthodox churches and only one Vatican," he described Asad's position.

"When we see artificial attempts to divide the people, to divide the church, as in Ukraine, it is very important to meet and receive information," the president is convinced. "The battle of today is not only about Syria, but the whole world".

In addition, Assad noted that Russia "coexisted peacefully with the West for 20 years", but now "they are attacked by all and will not stop".

Video Canonical baptisms and marriages take place in the Moscow churches patriarchy

New church – a new problem: social networks actively discuss the canonicity of the sacraments celebrated in the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate . Instead, in the very Ukrainian Orthodox Church, they say: recognize the sanctity of all churches. On January 5, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is said to have signed Tomos, who granted independent status to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. the creation of this one was announced at the Council of the unity of December 15, 2018. According to the ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew, the patriarchate of Constantinople, which gives autocephaly, has seized millions of the faithful of Ukraine as a true mother church, unlike their "stepmother". On January 6, the historic event – the Metropolitan Epiphanes in Istanbul, the Orthodox Church that presided in Ukraine, was presented to Tomas .

Until then, the Council of Unity was held on December 15th. Representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the head of the UOC-Kyivan Patriarchate, the UAOC, the Metropolitan of the UOC-Moscow Patriarchate, Simeon and Alexander attended. During the cathedral after the vote Epiphanian became metropolitan of Kiev and all of Ukraine . In turn, the metropolitan deputy of the UOC, Onufriy lost his status . The UOC deputy himself, by decision of the Verkhovna Rada, was renamed Russian Orthodox Church .

After holding the cathedral in different regions of Ukraine, the parishes went from the UOC-MP to the CCP. The largest number of transitions in the Vinnytsia region. There is also a parochial transition in the Zaporozhye region, which is the first finding on the territory of the left bank of Ukraine.

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