Astronomers have questioned the existence of Planet X – Scientific and technological news – Latest technologies


Scientists have hinted that the same effect attributed to Planet X could result in the gravitation of a large disk of small icy bodies turning into orbit at Neptune.

  An artistic image of the hypothetical

An artistic image of the hypothetical "Planet X" Nibiru / photo Caltech / R. Hurt (IPAC)

Scientists have proposed a new alternative to the hypothetical ninth planet of the solar system: the same data can be attributed to the effect of the cloud

Pluto and other icy bodies located in the Kuiper belt and beyond, to the confines of the system solar, are called transneptune objects (TNO), writes Naked Science. "In recent years, among them, dozens of bodies have been identified, which are distinguished by unusual elongated orbits.Our design of the construction of the eight-planet solar system does not fit with these anomalies.Therefore, they are often associated to the gravitational influence of the ninth hypothetical planet, "writes the newspaper.

According to existing estimates, it should be several times larger than Earth and 10 times more massive, performing a complete revolution around the 15,000 Sun our planet X. However, it is not surprising that not all experts do not agree with this hypothesis, proposing other explanations for TNO orbital anomalies. A version of this type is also mentioned in a new article being prepared for publication in the Astronomical Journal.

The authors of the publication – Professor Esour of the American University of Beirut, Zhikhad Tuma and Anthranik Sefilian of the University of Cambridge, have suggested that the same effect could cause the gravitation of a large disk of small bodies of rotating ice in Neptune's orbit. If a mass comparable to that of a possible Planet X, such a disc would actually be. practically invisible for modern instruments, while creating anomalies in the movement of close objects.

Read also Planet X destroys everything that lives: the scenario of the apocalypse is announced

The authors designed the first model I am the orbital dynamics of TNO , which managed to take into account the attraction of the giant planets of the outer regions of the solar system and the gravity in the hypothetical disk of the icy bodies.

"If we remove the ninth planet and replace it with a set of small bodies scattered over a large space, then their collective attraction leads to the appearance of the same elongated orbits we observe in some NWT," Sefilian concludes "

" Note that, according to current calculations, the total mass of the TNO is only about 0.1-0.2 mass of the earth. Thus, the new hypothesis, expressed by astronomers, deprives us, on the one hand, of the need to introduce an unidentified planet but, on the other hand, requires and seriously reconsiders our perceptions of what is happening in the neighborhoods. farther away from the solar system, "says Naked Science.

Recall that the former American geologist Ethan Trowbridge had predicted the inevitable apocalypse that would cross Planet X, according to Nibiru, the celestial body would have climbed to the record for a record minimum distance – its gravity field could cause and the occurrence of natural disasters

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