Astronomers recorded signals from another galaxy: their origin is not known


Astronomers unveiled the details of mysterious signals coming from a distant galaxy. The signals were able to repair a telescope in Canada.

The exact origin and nature of the signals are still unknown. Among the 13 fast radio pulses, called FRB, there was an unusual signal that was constantly being repeated. It came from the same source, located at a distance of 1.5 billion light-years (up to 10,000 billion kilometers).

Such an impulse has only been recorded once in history by another telescope.

"Knowing that there is another telescope.Such a signal, we can assume that there may be more.And with more sources available for the study, we can understand these riddles. cosmic: where are they and what are the causes, "said Ingrid Steirs, an astrophysicist from the University of British Columbia.

A telescope from this Canadian-based university started operating only in 2017. And since then, it has already fixed 13 radio pulses, in particular, and this is constantly being repeated.

There are several theories from which these signals can resonate. In particular, a neutron star with a very strong magnetic field. In addition, the signals can emit an extraterrestrial spacecraft. But these assumptions are not confirmed by specialists.

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