At the Berlinale, a film about Holodomor in Ukraine – The world


Poland, Britain and Ukraine worked on the band.

The film Holodomor in Ukraine will fight for the Berlinale Prize. The 69th Berlin Film Festival starts today. In the main broadcast – the true story of the journalist who wrote for the first time on the death hunger in Ukraine, says in the story TSN.16: 45

"We are hungry. There is a hunger in us. "The call for help from this young Ukrainian peasant in the early 1930s was entrusted to the world's first community by a young British journalist, Gareth Jones. But he did not want to hear

A tape about a reporter who wanted to convey the truth about the Holodomor Ukraine in the main program of the festival. The film is based on real events. The real Gareth Jones arrived in the Soviet Union at the time and went to villages for several days. I saw him impressed. In his diary, he cited the testimony of peasants who fainted from hunger as the Western press spread propaganda stories about the successes of the USSR.

What is hunger and what is artificial – the reporter will write later in Berlin. And that will become an enemy of Moscow. Kremlin sympathizers will accuse the journalist of exaggeration.

Video 69th Berlin: Holodomor film in Ukraine is fighting for the award of the film festival

Holodomor film in Ukraine will fight for the Berliner Award. The 69th Berlin Film Festival starts today. The main program tells the story of a journalist who wrote for the first time about the deaths due to hunger in Ukraine.

  69th Berlin: Holodomor film in Ukraine will fight for the attribution of the film festival

"I knew the story of the famine and the Holodomor in Ukraine, but I must admit that I did not know at all that George Orwell had written his novel in this story.I did not know at all the links between the Soviet Union and American diplomats and the press, because even when this article had been published by Gareth Jones, the press American had said that it was a lie, because the US ambassador spoke very differently, "said Berlinale director Dieter Kosslich [19659003] The Gareth Jones film is a co-production of Poland, as much as the Britain and Ukraine. Kiev has allocated 26 million hryvnia to the band – it is one tenth of the budget of the image.

In total, 17 films are in competition. The international jury chaired by the French film studio Juliet Binoc will judge the cinema. Durera Berlin for 10 days. The winners of the 69th Film Festival will be announced on Saturday, February 16th.

The director of the movie Holodomor, the famous Agnieszka Goland, claims to be the main prize. Before, she had already won a triumphant bear in Berlin.

Correspondent TSN Natalia Fibrig

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