At the inauguration, Cuomo Rallies State against Trump


Much of New York's political class – Mr. Cuomo's friends, union leaders, lobbyists, elected officials and party officials – were crammed into large boats at Battery Park for a rare ride to Ellis Island after dark. Participants whipped their cell phones and opened large windows for a sharper view of the glowing Statue of Liberty, as the cold winter air entered.

This was the third inauguration of Mr. Cuomo and the sixth for a governor of Cuomo – his father, Mario M Cuomo, also served three terms. The Cuomo family has so dominated New York politics that for anyone born since 1980, a Cuomo has been governor for most of his life – even before the youngest, Mr. Cuomo, began his new term.

Cuomo had worked intensely during the inaugural speech for weeks, writing handwritten passages while he was spending the holidays in the executive mansion in Albany, according to people familiar with his work.

Although he never mentioned Mr. Trump by name, he ostensibly stated that Ellis Island was "the harbor where Frederick Trump arrived from Germany" , noting that his "grandson would become President of the United States".

Cuomo testified that his family members had passed through Ellis Island and that the ancestors of so many others, including Vice President Mike Pence, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Supreme Court and the United States. former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, had gone through sacred place. "

As the nation, New York became increasingly polarized between its liberal urban base in New York and its more conservative rural areas.Mr Cuomo only won six counties north of Westchester County in 2018 – he was acting mainly counties with urban centers such as Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester and Albany Mr. Cuomo had fewer counties than he did four years ago, even though he was 10 percentage points over his Republican challenger in 2018 compared to 2014.

The content of Tuesday's swearing was very different from Mr. Cuomo's ] inaugural speech, in which he offered an olive branch to Republican lawmakers in New York, promising: "I say that I will not rule partisan and my administration will not be a partisan administration. "

Be Mr. Cuomo's first with a Legislature fully controlled by the Democrats, which would present a new set of challenges to a politician who initially campaigned as a centrist but now describes himself as a "pragmatic progressist."

"I feel liberated, Mr. Cuomo said he works with a legislature led by the Democrats.

Notably, neither Democratic Democrat President Carl E. Heastie nor Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins ​​chose to attend the inauguration of Mr. Cuomo.

The government or has already outlined an ambitious agenda for its first 100 days, inspiring the frenzied beginning of the presidency of a former New York governor, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

"While our country was facing a great economic depression, we are now facing a great social depression," said Cuomo, adding, "As FDR turned the frustration of the economic depression into a movement in favor From the adoption of the New Deal, let New York use the frustration of social depression to adopt a new agenda in the field of justice. "

Cuomo's prescription for 2019 included a liberal policy wish list: to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, to make the day of the election a holiday, to terminate the cash bond at the state level. adopt more restrictive firearms laws, strengthen abortion rights protections, prohibit corporate money in national elections, tighten up rent control protections, and institute tax laws; Automatic Registration of Voters

Few underestimate a governor who addresses everything from staging to writing a newspaper article about him, as a winning battle against all costs.

"said Diane Savino, a Democratic Senator from Staten Island, about Mr. Cuomo, but, she added," in the last eight years, whether you like it or that you hated him, no one can tell Andrew Cuomo that nothing is done. "

The third term has always been difficult, and Mr. Cuomo has benefited from it. a lot of governing during a strong and almost continuous economic growth.

And, as he enters his ninth year, Mr. Cuomo's restricted circle of advisers has shrunk to the point of concern, even among his close allies. His relentless pace, intense management style, stubbornness and reluctance to trust newcomers make him more and more dependent on a limited number of aides. He survived two corruption trials involving senior government officials in 2018, including that of Joseph Percoco, one of Mr. Cuomo's senior lieutenants.

He was sworn in on Tuesday night by Janet DiFiore, the Chief Justice. of the State Court of Appeal, surrounded by his mother, his long-time girlfriend, Sandra Lee, and his daughters.

This speech marked the first day of full inauguration of Mr. Cuomo without his father, who died exactly four years ago. In a twist worthy of a novel, the 56th Governor was informed of the death of his governor, moments after completing his second inaugural address in Buffalo.

On Tuesday, he called the birthday "sweet bitter for me".

"I can hear his voice and I can imagine his pain and anger when he could see his beloved country today," Cuomo said.

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