Authorized Dems Show Flexibility with a Flurry of New Tax Proposals


Newly-invested Democrats in Washington and in jurisdictions across the country are loosening their laws by proposing numerous tax proposals that would affect both billionaires and blue-collar workers.

From DC to Sacramento, controversial samples include everything from "wealth". Taxes "on new charges on ammunition and shopping." Some of them are meant to deter certain types of purchases – like guns and ammunition – while others are meant to help finance ambitious new programs


Here are some of the proposals that have been on the table since the beginning of the New Year:

Wealth Tax

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is preparing to officially launch her Democratic presidential campaign, has proposed a 2% tax on net worth over $ 50 million and a 3% net-worth tax above $ 50 million. $ 1 billion The proposal is unique in that it targets assets and not income and has already faced some constitutional issues.

Critics also point out that it would be difficult to e would enforce it as it would require the government to value the assets, but the proposal would affect about 75,000 households.

The senator introduced it as targeting those at the top of the wealth ladder, in order to fund programs such as government-supported daycares, and so on.

While Warren Targets Wealth, Other Legislators have hinted at the possibility of simply raising the income tax rate of the highest ranking. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez presented, although not officially, a marginal tax of 70% on revenues over $ 10 million. The Socialist Democratic legislator's project is not unprecedented – from 1957 to the 1970s, the tax rate was 70% or more – but this idea sparked strong criticism from Republicans and the US. some moderate Democrats.


And billionaires like Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks, and Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City, both weigh in for a presidential race. Schultz described some Democratic ideas as ridiculous, while Bloomberg compared Warren's plan to the kind of politics that destroyed Venezuela's economy.

"We need a healthy economy and we should not be bothered by our politics. "Billionaires like Howard Schultz & Michael Bloomberg want to keep a rigged system that only benefits them and their friends, and they plan to spend a lot of money trying and buying the presidency to keep it that way. govern, tweeted Warren.

California Gun Tax

With a qualified majority in both chambers of the state legislature and a new governor who wishes to take a firm stance in gun control, California lawmakers are hoping quickly pass Bill 18, which includes taxing the sale of handguns and semi-automatic weapons to generate funds for gun control programs.

sponsored by Democrat MP Marc Levine , would introduce "an excise tax on sales of handguns and semi-automatic rifles", and then transfer the resulting revenues to the sub-program. California's Anti-Violence Prevention (CalVIP).

"California needs to strengthen violence prevention initiatives to meet the harsh laws of our state and as effective as violence prevention programs in other states," Levine said in a statement. communicated earlier this month.


Not surprisingly, gun tax legislation has aroused strong criticism from gun and groups of hunters.

The proposal will look, it expresses the intention to place an additional tax on handguns and semi-automatic firearms for distribution to various community-based intervention and prevention programs "Said the Institute of Legislative Action of the National Rifle Association in a statement. "Once again, lawmakers are imposing on lawful owners of firearms taxes and additional fees for the misdeeds of criminals."

Munitions Tax in Connecticut

California is not the only state to review firearms taxes.

A Democratic Connecticut State legislature on Monday introduced a bill that would increase by 50% the tax on ammunition in the state.

"Currently, ammunition is taxed at the same rate as other products, but we want to increase it by 50% because we see this as a preventative measure," said representative Jillian Gilchrest in a video posted on Twitter. "For example, if someone had to buy a cartridge of 50 cartridges for around $ 10, the price would be $ 15."

Gilchrest goes on to explain that the military and law enforcement personnel would be exempted from the

In a statement released Tuesday, the NRA condemned Gilchrest's efforts.

"This dreaded legislation punishes law-abiding citizens and makes it more difficult to learn how to use firearms safely," NRA said in a statement posted on Twitter.

Tax on Connecticut grocery products

Along with a munitions tax, Connecticut is also considering a possible tax on groceries and prescription drugs.

Connecticut's governor, Ned Lamont, plans to include the tax as part of his administration's first draft budget, scheduled for the end of the month.

Although the details of the potential sales tax are not clear, a local response rt stated that the tax, if applied, could be set at the current sales tax of 6.35% or limited to 2%, as recommended by a "tax stability commission". [19659007] However, even the exa Men of such a tax spark sparks a riposte against the Democratic governor of the state with high tax records.

"The people of Connecticut are preparing and preparing their financial plans to handle the burden of Governor Lamont's and Connecticut's Democratic Legislators, as well as their new taxes and proposals," Republican House Leader Themis Klarides said told Fox News. "Targeting groceries and drugs to generate revenue is a terrible strategy."

"Rain Tax" in New Jersey

New Jersey residents could be hit by what Republicans call a "tax" on the rain "if the Democratic governor Phil Murphy signed recently passed bill

The bill, approved by the New Jersey Assembly and the Senate, would allow municipalities to create public services to collect royalties from owners and business owners with large paved surfaces such as driveways and parking lots. During storms, rainwater mixes with pollutants on these surfaces before flowing into sewers and drains. Funding from royalties could be used for improvements to reduce the impact on the environment.

"With all the salt we've had on the roads recently, all this is in the sewer systems, so you can not ignore the problem. Steve Sweeney, president of the New Jersey Senate, told CBS New York.

The bill would create a "Fund for the Reduction of Rainwater and Clean Soil", which would be used for public utilities rainwater treatment in the state, According to legislation, Republicans have criticized the plan by calling it a "rain tax" and complaining that the state had already implemented too much cost for the inhabitants.

] "We all want to protect our environment. We all want to preserve it for future generations, but it's a weighted tax, "said Senator Tom Kean Jr. at CBS New York. "The citizens of New Jersey … really [have] have no way of defending against tax increases at the local level."

The Nebraska Beer Tax

This are not just the Democrats who have submitted recent tax proposals.

Two Republican States Nebraska Senators Tom Briese and Curt Friesen introduced two bills that, if passed, would increase the tax on beer, wine and alcohol by 345%.

While lawmakers argue that the tax would only represent a 10-cent increase in the price of a mug of beer and is part of the solution to reduce property taxes of state farmers, Brewers of the Cornhusker State are not happy.

"We are really scared that if this passes, it will stop the growth of this industry," Omaha World-Herald Gabby Ayala, executive director of the Nebraska Craft Brewers Guild, told OMAHA. "Other high-tax states have fewer breweries – this prevents people from wanting to invest and grow."


Nebraska's artisanal brewers say their business is picking up Caleb Pollard, from Scratchtown Brewing Co., in Ord, a town in Scratchtown Brewing County in Ord, is an example of economic success in a state heavily dependent on agriculture.

2,100 people.

While the bill faces some opposition, lawmakers considering proposals for property tax relief say that the so-called "sin taxes" – those on alcohol , tobacco and money games – make sense.

"We have a tax crisis in Nebraska," Briese told the newspaper. "The responsible approach to providing immediate and substantial relief is to access other taxes."

Brooke Singman and Gregg Re of Fox News contributed to this report.

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