Because Crimea is not Russian: German scholars have refused to sit at the same table as their counterparts in the Russian Federation


Heads of educational institutions and research organizations in Germany refused to participate in an official forum with their Russian counterparts in Kazan. All because at the joint conference, the Russian side told the Crimean participant.

The head of the Federal University of Crimea, Andriy Falaleyev, expresses it. Moreover, before the occupation of Crimea by Russia, this educational institution had a different name: the National University of Tavria, after the name of Vernadsky.

See also: In Moscow, it was decided to celebrate the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea to Moscow

literally a week before the forum of the Foreign Ministry and the Republic of German educational institutions ultimately demanded the Russian co-organizers to prevent the presence of Falaleyev at the meeting,
– reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Yes, the Russians explained: the refusal is due to the fact that the official Berlin Crimea recognizes the territory of Russia

Due to the refusal of German scholars to travel to Russia for a conference, it had to be canceled.

Nevertheless, Russian diplomats have not forgotten to recall that Russia occupies "the unchanging position, according to which Crimea and Sevastopol, full subjects of the Russian Federation and have the right to participate in international activities on behalf of Russia. "

. This is why the whole fault of the Kazan Conference lies entirely with the German side. We regret that this time she preferred the language of ultimatums,
– added cynically to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

What do we know about the annexation of Crimea by Russia? End of February 2014, occupation of Russian troops and Crimean bases of the Black Sea Crimean Peninsula. As the Russian troops were devoid of identification, they were called by the people "green men". On March 16, 2014, a pseudo-referendum on the status of the peninsula, organized by the Kremlin, was held on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. For rigged results of this "vote", Russia has included Crimea among its members. Neither Ukraine, nor the European Union, nor the United States recognized the results of the referendum and considered that Russia annexed Crimea

What do we know about the fate of the National University of Taurida after the annexation of Crimea? This higher education institution was renamed the Occupying Forces of the Federal University of Crimean Vernadsky. On March 15, 2014, the Faculty of Philology and Ukrainian Studies ceased its studies, fearing for the safety of students placed under the "new liberation government".

In November 2015, the National University Vernadsky Tavrichesky was transferred to Kiev from the annexed Crimea.

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