Belarus "try a tooth". Russian media launched a psychological attack on Lukashenka


(Subject "The Point of View")

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said his country would "try hard". These words of Lukashenka are the answer to a real mental attack of Russian media against the Belarussian state

If you carefully read the content of what is currently being projected in the Russian information space in Belarus you will find a striking contradiction. Officials with one voice argue that there is no question that Belarus is joining Russia, it is simply an equal integration. But in the media and on the Internet, you will hear very different things. The question of the creation of the Belarussian Federal District has already been adopted and its supporters are Putin's security forces. That Lukashenka receives guarantees, after which he will leave the post of President of the country and will be given in his place a Russian puppet. Belarus's attachment to Russia is the main task of Russian Ambassador Mikhail Babich, one of the security forces of Russian diplomacy. And even the patriarchal exarch in Belarus will change soon too, because the current local church leader, Metropolitan Paul, "can not cope," and the Kremlin can not allow repetition in the European Union in the Ukrainian scenario. Therefore, the Exarch will soon be manufactured by Metropolitan Theophanes, which the same media certify as one of the security forces already present in the Russian church. And this duet in the civil – Babich and Theophanes – will prepare the ground for the elimination of Belarus.

This is true and what is not, no one will say it now. According to reports, there is a lie, but many Kremlin clans are trying to demonstrate their effectiveness and their need to President Vladimir Putin.

But it is also obvious that Lukashenko reads this information every day about the future liquidation of Belarus. and his removal from the president's office every hour appears on his desk monitoring the press and reports of local secret services. And the main purpose of this propaganda attack is to make the main ally of the Kremlin more coherent.

  A Belarusian youth during a demonstration on the day of the will with an anti-Russian banner:

Belarusian youth during the demonstration of the Day of the will with an anti-Russian banner: "Freedom for the peoples , dead for empires ". Minsk, 25 March 2016

Belarus needs the Kremlin exclusively as a military base

Lukashenka should not prevent the Russians from acting at home at home. Create new military bases, import weapons, prepare for provocations, including against Ukraine. The Kremlin needs Belarus exclusively as a military base, a plague in the body of Europe, another region of Kaliningrad. And the head of this country must respond exactly to the wishes of the Kremlin as governor of the Kaliningrad region. That is why Putin must begin to demoralize Lukashenka by turning him into such a governor, that is to say, to try Belarus on a footing of equality.

The question is whether the Belarussian president has the opportunity to resist. The Belarussian economic model is designed to consume cheap Russian resources. This is the same model used in Ukraine when Ukrainians exchanged sovereignty for cheap Russian gas. However, raw materials in Ukraine have never been cheaper than those in Belarus and privatized companies in Ukraine were sometimes more expensive than in the neighboring country. Lukashenka has preserved a socialist economy that can now perish. In Belarus, only the Ukrainian people of the 1990s will begin to do so, and it is unclear whether this simple fact is included in their power and in society.

But we do not know what Russia will do with a neighboring country if it actually joins it. Because in this case, Belarus will simply have to feed itself – Russia already feeding Crimea, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria and Donbass. Only the population of this country – nearly 10 million inhabitants, with the number of inhabitants of other territories occupied and does not compare. Reforms are needed for the recovery of the Belarussian economy – not only in Russia, but in Europe, Poland and the Czech Republic. But Russia can not carry out such reforms and can not feed the Belarusians.

She can only scare Lukashenka.

Vitaliy Portnikov – Journalist and political commentator, editorialist of Radio Liberty

] The opinions expressed in the "Viewpoint" section reflect the views of the authors themselves and do not necessarily reflect the position of Radio Liberty

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