Bellingcat confirmed SBU information regarding Wagner's PMC passports


  Bellingcat confirmed the information provided by the SBU regarding Wagner's PVC mercenary passports

. Photo: dpa / Z. Kurtsikidze

Bellingcat found that "Wagnerians" received passports, including GRUshniki

. "Vagnerovtsi" receive passports at the same place, where are the agents of the Russian special services. Bellingcat's experts found this confirmation indirect.

Bellingcat investigators analyzed UGT data and discovered that the waggers of the Russian private military enterprise Wagner had received passports identical to those of the Branch's employees. Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. GRU) The Bellingcat Group reported on Thursday, February 7th.

On January 28, the SBU published lists of Wagner Pvc wizard mercenaries' names, birth dates, and passport numbers. At a press conference, SBU representatives announced that they had been able to obtain this data by obtaining a list of aircraft passengers from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In all cases, passports were issued to the Federal Migration Service RF 770001, SBU reported. According to Bellingcat, the passports of this department receive either privileged for bribes, or representatives of the police.

The investigators verified the passport numbers presented for the domestic flights database. Of the 11 attempts, they "managed to find seven names on the SBU list" – either by the number of internal passports, or by the correspondence of the name and the date of birth. Bellingcat emphasizes "Krasnodar airport for all seven passengers registered on domestic flights," says Bellingcat.

"With the active approval of state organs"

In Molkino housing is located half an hour from the airport. According to Russian journalists, the training base of Wagner's staff is close to him.

According to the group, the information disclosed "indirectly confirms the SBU's statement" that "those established at the press conference are linked to Wagner's WKH". Some employees of this CPI have received passports in the same agency for the staff of the Russian Armed Forces, says Bellingcat. The investigation revealed that Bellingcat repeatedly denounced the statements of the authorities of the Russian Federation as false, including in the case of the use of toxic substances against the fiddle family in the United Kingdom.

In October 2018, the RF Foreign Ministry accused the Bellingcat deniers of being "pseudo-ZMI" and collaborating closely with Western intelligence services, recalls the news agency Interfax.

Source: Ukrainian DW Service

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