Berlin appreciates decision on EU gas directive for North Stream-2 – news about UNN


KYIV. February 11th UNN. German Minister of Economy, Peter Altmayer, declared himself in favor of the North Stream 2 gas pipeline project. He said that the decision taken late last week on amendments to the EU gas directive had sent a strong signal to critics of the project. He stated this in an interview with the newspaper Welt am Sonntag, UNN .

"First and foremost, every country has the right to freely maintain the economic and commercial relations it deems appropriate." First, it is a private project that has already been approved by many countries, "he said.

" This week (8 February – ed.), The EU has shown that it can work together on this issue. "an important result", – added the Minister of the Economy of the Federal Republic of Germany

According to him, there had recently been "a lot of ideology a highly motivated criticism of this important energy supply project. "

" Friday's decision, supported by a large majority, is also a strong signal for these critics, "Altmayer said.

Altmayer said: "We have never been blackmailed, we will never do it."

Recall that on February 8, Germany and France had submitted to the EU countries their proposals for adjustment of the European gas directive, which will not create serious obstacles to North Stream-2. The EU supported the proposal.

In addition, the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is being built to supply gas to Germany bypassing Ukraine. Ukraine is drawing attention to the policy of this project and to the fact that, if North Stream 2 is to be built, Russia will organize a series of provocations to put a complete stop to the transit through the project. ;Ukraine. Germany states that it does not consider this project as a policy and has taken measures to preserve gas transit to Ukraine.

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