better training and exercises and nursing advice


Is it possible to get closer to this ideal and find a silhouette as flawless as Victoria's Secret?

Modern girls are unconsciously found in all models because they are chic, demanded and always astonishing. The life of the beauties of the cover of the gloss seems fabulous to us: endless journeys, plenty of outfits, jewels and admirers. It seems that everything is easily given to these non-godparents because of their beauty and their harmonious silhouette. But at the same time, everyone does not want to think about the efforts that these podium queens make on the fact that their body is considered a stallion and that it arouses admiration. Until we overestimated the stress of tiramisu and we refuse physical training instead of an extra hour in front of the computer or on a couch in front of the television, the dummies do not will not spoil it with hard diets and exhausting workouts, Ukr.Media informs.

who participate in Victoria's Fashion Shows' Secret.

Why Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret is a company specializing in the sale of underwear, clothing and cosmetics for women. From a small store to a world-renowned manufacturer, development has come a long way. Leslie Veksner, the current owner of the company, has put the emphasis on "affordable luxury" and has proven right. At present, women around the world are dreaming of having a whole new novelty in their wardrobe and attending fashion shows organized by Victoria's Secret.

The shows organized by the company are always different in size, elegance and chic. Girls for such events are difficult to launch. All professional models are not honored to be scattered in elegant underwear on the catwalk. Well, those who have become happy owners of the title "Angel of Victoria's Secret", share the secrets of success and the intricacies of a meticulous work on themselves.

The Secret Councils of Victoria

1. Regular Exercise (3-5 times a week)

  • pay special attention to exercises aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • does not ignore exercises for correct posture – that's the lion's share of success;
  • Train the abdomen, legs and buttocks – this is the most problematic places of the female body.


  • consumes only fresh and healthy foods (fruit juice, lean meat, vegetable salads, etc.);
  • eaten split: eats every two to three hours in small portions;
  • take vitamin supplements to strengthen the nails, hair and improve the appearance of the skin;
  • do not forget the abundant drink (not less than 2 liters per day).

3. The Basics of the Good Guy Aipu

They Need to Know and to Keep It, Without Gross Mistakes . It's important to understand when and how to wear makeup day and night.

4. Condition of Hair

The perfect hairstyle is the key to any effective appearance on the principle of "healthy hair – beautiful hair".

5. Regular visits to the dentist

This should be an indispensable rule. A bright smile is the main weapon of a woman, always and everywhere.

Of course, all of these recommendations are important. However, the business card of the models is their proportional and constricted body. They achieve amazing successes in this regard thanks to the many hours of training. In everyday life, you too can have a terrible face, receiving innumerable compliments of the opposite sex, if you perform a series of simple exercises.

Exercise Ideas for the Appearance of the Model

1. Cardiovascular System

Before You Begin Work in this direction, you should consult a health professional who will help you choose the best form of exercise. The most useful and effective types of activity in cardiotherapy are:

  • walking;
  • the race;
  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • aerobic training;
  • simulator courses.

2. Posture

For royal posture, it is necessary to include in the complex of daily exercises the following exercises:

  • lying on the floor, squeeze your hands at the hips and lift the chest belt until you can rest on your elbow. Stand in this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position;
  • Lie on your back, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend them on your knees, pressing your heels on your hips. Raise the pelvis and stay in this position until you mentally count to ten, then return to the starting position;

  • Standing in the position of holding the barbell or dumbbell and lowering the hands down, turn the shoulders one by one and lift up the;
  • do not change the position, make circular movements of the shoulders;
  • without letting go of the barbell, bend and bring your hands back to the abdomen;
  • stand up, hands behind and
  • tighten on the cross;
  • put the load (for example, barbell) on the shoulder belt and the slope forward

For each of these exercises, it is recommended to do at least three approaches 10 times.

3. Beautiful Belly

We admire all the steel cubes of the male press, but the girls must sweat for their belly to be flat and relieved. Models that show lingerie as no one knows the price of a flawless press and share the secrets of the most effective exercises for this group of muscles:

  • Lying on your back, spread your arms and lift your legs without tearing your thigh off the ground;
  • without changing position, squeeze your arms behind your head and grasp them in the lock, lift the chest belt and bend your legs on your lap. Start turning your knees and elbows one by one;

  • Starting in a supine position, without removing your hands from behind your head, slide your legs to the ground. In this position, begin to lift the chest belt and pull up the chin;
  • turn to the belly and stand in the "strap" position (hold it as often as you can).

During the training of the press, perform 2 to 3 approaches to the 20- 25 times.

4. Thin Legs

To train with leg muscles, you will need additional athletic equipment, such as ankle rest and fitness chewing gum:

  • ] place the fitness chewing gum on your legs and place them away from shoulder width. Having occupied the required position, alternate squats and steps in the direction, overcoming the tension of the eraser;
  • While standing, swing your legs forward and in different directions. In this case, it is advisable to use a bulky;
  • Take the position, lying on your side, spreading your legs and starting to get up. Then go on the other side and repeat the exercise.

This type of exercise should be performed 10 to 20 times for 2 or 3 approaches.

5. Elastic Buttocks

This part of the woman's body attracts the attention of all the representatives of the strong sex – it is inherent in nature. It is therefore extremely important to have beautiful buttocks folded to be considered as appetizing and sexy. The Victoria & # 39; s Secret models recommend the following exercises for elastic buttocks:

  • The most effective exercise: the waves are deported. Take the starting position by kneeling and bending your elbows on the ground. In turn, raise the waves, the heel to be directed to the ceiling;

  • to perform the attacks that it is necessary to hold evenly, fixing hands at the waist. Leave one leg behind and carry the weight of the body to the second, making a collision. In this case, the back should stay straight and chin up.
  • Dumbbells will be required for tilting forward. Keeping them slowly in your hands, slide as low as possible and take the starting position at the same fast pace.

Do not forget that this figure is not just an exhausting diet, but also a regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. If you do not apply to the world famous fashion laurels, just give some physical activity 3 to 4 days a week. Following the recommendations of Victoria's Secret Angels, you can independently create a set of exercises that will allow you to correctly correct the figure and solve problems. And do not forget that any training session must be fun, so play sports in a good mood and in your favorite music.

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