Bezos v Mask. Amazon invests half a billion in an unmanned car


Amazon is investing more than half a billion dollars in a startup that develops autopilot technologies and is led by former engineers at Google, Tesla and Uber.

This article is written by "New Time". Aurora Innovation is the first public announcement made by Amazon to collaborate with a company that develops autopilot technology for passenger cars.

"Amazon's unique knowledge, capabilities and insights will be useful for the implementation of our mission," Aurora wrote on her blog. 19659006] It should be noted that the startup was shut down Chris Urmson, former head of the Google Autonomous Machines Program, in 2016.

Sterling Anderson, Tesla Team Leader Authilter, and the head of the same unit at Uber-Drew Bagnell then joined the company.

Aurora wants to develop autopilot software, and the company announced in early 2018 that its first customers should be Volkswagen and Hyundai.

"We have met almost all the companies developing an autopilot, from Detroit to Singapore, but we have always come back to Chris and his team." – wrote Aurora investors with Rupite Sequoia Capital.

Due to the large automotive experts and IT companies, Aurora is positioning itself as a top class company in the context of many other developers in this field.

Amazon is one of the largest online retailers in the world. In addition to the United States, the company is present in Canada, China, Brazil, Japan and European countries.

Amazon reached $ 1 trillion in capitalization last September.

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