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From Dennis Romero
The Bishop of the Diocese of Covington Kentucky apologized Friday to the teenager at the center of a controversy over the behavior of Catholic high school students towards a former Native American chief in Washington
In a letter to parents, Pastor Roger Foys stated that the diocese was too quick to condemn the actions of the students of the Catholic high school of Covington, especially those of Nicholas Sandmann, the boy who had been seen. in front of the video with the eldest US Nathan Phillips performing the song "American Indian Movement" near the Lincoln Memorial.
"We should not have allowed ourselves to be intimidated and pressured to make a premature declaration, and we take full responsibility for that," wrote Foys. "I especially apologize to Nicholas Sandmann and his family, as well as to all CovCath families who felt abandoned during this ordeal."
The clash hit the headlines after teenagers from suburban Cincinnati were captured on video on Jan. 18. high school singing and surrounding Amerindians near the memorial. They were on a school trip to participate in the March for Life, an anti-abortion event.
Many students wore MAGA hats and clothes. According to Phillips, some chanted "build the wall" in reference to President Donald Trump's wish to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.
A first video broadcast on social media seemed to show Phillips and a few other Native Americans surrounded by teenagers. who seemed to be laughing and singing to the troop. Some young people have interpreted what critics have called "tomahawk movement in the hand".
"Nicholas has unfortunately become the face of these accusations based on video-based video clips," wrote the bishop. "It's not fair, it's not fair."
Foys stated that students and
He stated that an investigative team had been "engaged" to shed light on what had happened in Washington.
"We apologize to anyone who has been offended," he said in his letter.
Immediately after the standoff, a spokeswoman for the diocese issued a statement in which she criticized student behavior.
"We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students to Nathan Phillips in particular, and to Native Americans in general, on January 18, after the March for Life, in Washington, DC," says the communiqué of the diocese. "We sincerely apologize to Mr. Phillips, this behavior is contrary to the teachings of the Church on the dignity and respect of the human person".
The Sandmann family hired a public relations firm to help them navigate the media. He confided to "Today" that he was not trying to disrespect.
"People have judged me on the basis of an expression that I did not smile," he said.
Sandmann and Phillips said they felt threatened.
Phillips, also appearing in "Today" separately, said: "Even though I am angry, I still have this forgiveness in my heart for these students".
Many Americans came to the defense of adolescents after An additional video of the clashes showed that the students had been verbally attacked by a group of Hebrew Israelites. After that, the video showed that Phillips was approaching and was beginning to interpret the song.
Sandmann did not apologize.
"I mean, with hindsight, I wish we could leave and avoid all this," he said. on "Today" but I can not say that I am sorry to have listened to it and to be there. "
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