Bloomberg takes more blows on Trump as he heads for 2020


  Michael Bloomberg "title =" Michael Bloomberg "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  The former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, had announced that he was considering deciding when he would show up to the presidency in the coming weeks without giving any indication Tuesday's speech on his choice Al Drago / Getty Images </p>
<p>  MANCHESTER, NH – Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has taken a step closer to the presidential race by taking More blows against President Donald Trump on Tuesday in the state of New Hampshire, where the Democrat was committed to staying active by 2020 even though he did not officially launch into the race. [19659004BloombergwhohasmadethefightagainstglobalwarmingandcentralprinciplesofitspoliticalidentityinthegunlobbyarguedtoAnselmCollegethatclimatechangeistheworld'sbiggestchallengerangingfromincreasedriskofHurricanesandforestfireswiththekillingoficonicwildlife</p>
<p class= The story continues "Baby bulls are killed by ticks that now survive in winter," Bloomberg said in his prepared remarks.

Former mayor of New York, media mogul and philanthropist, Bloomberg pitched his speech by criticizing Trump and avoiding climate change. at least not at the beginning, but for the government that has just come to an end and that was triggered by the president's requests for the financing of the border wall.

"For me, the closure of the government has been a total failure on the part of the executive, and an example of totally incompetent management. it has unnecessarily hurt millions of people, "said Bloomberg. Stay informed. Follow our coverage of the presidential election.

"I am happy that the closure is over for the moment, but the American people will continue to pay a heavy price for the incompetence of the White House," he continued, "because the President is obsessed with walls that we do not need instead of real challenges: creating well-paying jobs; make health insurance more affordable; ending the opioid crisis that is tearing up so many families and communities; improve our public schools and make college more affordable; invest in our infrastructure; and the list goes on and on. "

Last week, Bloomberg began to intensify its criticism of Trump in the middle of the closure, saying the president was" too misplaced.

On Monday, Bloomberg added another goal: his compatriot. Billionaire Howard Schultz, a democrat turned independent, said he was considering running for president, which, according to Bloomberg, would help Trump get re-elected.

Bloomberg had announced his intention to decide whether he was going or not. "D has been presented to the presidency in the coming weeks, but gave no indication in his Tuesday speech

Bloomberg, however, said that he would focus on researching ideas behind the so-called "Green" New Deal "for the preservation of the environment and climate change which, according to Democrats, should be a major element of the party platform in 2020.

" I have already started to prepare the details of what a Green Green Green Deal should look like, he says, of clining to give details. "And whether or not I stand as president, I will ensure that the fight against climate change and the economic development in regions dependent on fossil fuels consti kill a top priority for the Democratic candidate. "

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