Bluetooth has the function of determining the direction


The Bluetooth SIG Group announced a new direction detection feature that could potentially dramatically increase the appeal of Bluetooth solutions using location data. The new feature allows devices to determine the direction of the Bluetooth signal source, enabling the development of contactless Bluetooth solutions that take into account directional information, as well as positioning systems with increased accuracy.

divided into two categories. Some Bluetooth make it possible to understand that the two devices are close and to estimate the distance which separates them. In particular, these are tags that help you search for elements and tags for contactless marketing. The new feature expands the functionality of these solutions by allowing you to indicate which direction the subject is tracking or to determine the location of the user relative to the tag.

Other systems use Bluetooth to determine the physical location required for tracking assets and determining routes within the premises. Today, such systems can achieve accuracy at the meter level.

The direction detection feature is included in version 5.1 of the basic Bluetooth specification already available to developers.

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