Border guards called the countries in which Ukrainians traveled the most without a visa


Ukrainians most often crossed the border with Poland as part of a non-circumvention. For example, border guards recorded 694,000 passages at checkpoints and 674,000 at aerodromes.

The press service of the Ukrainian border guards

Read also: The Ukrainians will be able to go without a visa to another country

The leaders of the countries visited by the Ukrainians under the visa-free regime were Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. For example, border guards recorded 248 000 crossings at the Hungarian border, 236 000 in Romanian and 142 000 in Slovak.

Ukrainian citizens boldly take advantage of the principle of non-visa, in particular from the point of view of the expiry of the validity of pre-issued visas. And if in December 2017 there were 36,000 Ukrainian visa-free trips, then in December 2018, they were 152,000
according to the press service of the National Tax Administration.

Recall that President Petro Poroshenko had stated that since the beginning of the visa-free regime of Ukraine with the countries of the European Union, two million Ukrainians already used it.

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