Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie make their first public appearance after divorce


The media shared the photos of the old pair of stars.

Jennifer Lopez warmly congratulated her beloved on her birthday The continuation of Brendolini? US media discuss the secret meeting of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Ex-spouses were noticed together after the divorce.

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A couple photographed paparazzi in one of Los office buildings Angeles. According to reporters, Brad and Angelina talked about something. Most likely, it was the custody of their six children. After talking, Jolie quickly left the building and Pitt stayed there for a while and had a very upset look.

Recall that the love between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie erupted in 2005 during the filming of the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". The following year, a couple is born a girl and another year – a double. In addition, Brad Pitt adopted the three children of Angelina. In 2014, the star couple is married, but in 2016, Jolie filed for divorce. All the time after, the old lovers did not want to see each other anymore and the lawyers quarreled over the issue of child custody. Jolie is categorically opposed to Pitt's involvement in their education.

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