British Prime Minister: Denial of Brexit Agreement Will Cause Loss of Stability in the Country


Teresa May does not plan to hold a parliamentary vote on Brexit, scheduled for Tuesday, December 11.

  Teresa May / REUTERS

Teresa May / REUTERS

British Prime Minister Teresa May warned parliamentarians that failure to approve the Brexit option agreed with Brussels would result in a loss of stability in the country, as well as trigger the threat of early elections or the complete abolition of "breccite".

"I hope people will understand – when I say that in case of failure of the operation [з Євросоюзом] we will end up in unexplored waters, I sincerely believe and I I'm really afraid this will happen, "said May in a conversation with the Daily Mail, BBC News.

"The country will be deadlocked – and risk Leaving the European Union without an agreement or not leaving it at all will be quite real," she continued.

Meanwhile, the press service of the Prime Minister has described information that does not match the actual validity of the announcement that May plans to postpone the Brexit parliamentary vote, scheduled for Tuesday, December 11.

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This version of this evolution was written in particular by the newspaper Times. She argues that colleagues would have asked May to negotiate again with Brussels the terms of the agreement because they are not ready to vote for him in this form. The paper also says that some ministers are ready to hold a second referendum on British withdrawal from the EU.

The agreement with the European Union, which was discussed, was concluded by Teresa May a month ago, but it has not yet been approved by the British Parliament.

Part of the agreement addresses the issue of the unique land boundary between the United Kingdom and the European Union, located between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland .

At the present time this boundary is purely symbolic. This provision is part of the historic Easter holidays of 1998, which ended the armed conflict in Northern Ireland.

The Brexit agreement states that, if the parties fail to reach another agreement, the EU's customs rules will apply throughout the United Kingdom. and in Northern Ireland – and other European standards.

Critics, regardless of their relationship with Brexit, indicate that this proposal essentially separates Northern Ireland from the rest of the country, thus depriving London of its own bargaining power.

The British government approved a draft agreement on the conditions for the withdrawal of the European Union on November 15, after which the government left several of its members in including the Prime Minister, Dominique Raab

However , the opposition and many members of the ruling Conservative party said that they were not ready to support such an agreement. In particular, the Brexit House of Commons committee said that if the agreement was approved, the country would take a step into the unknown.

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