Central Electoral Commission sues because of the decision to close the district in Russia


People's Deputy, chairman of the party "For Life", Vadim Rabinovich announces his intention to sue the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine in order to eliminate the polling stations in Russia. He wrote about it on his Facebook page on January 1st.

"According to various estimates, hundreds of thousands of our citizens are in Russia.What is on wages, which for other reasons.And the power deprives them of the right to vote.It is unconstitutional and illegal, that's part of the upcoming electoral manipulation, and I'm suing this decision, "said Rabinovich.

On December 31, the Central Election Commission eliminated polling stations in Russia. The five polling stations installed in the diplomatic missions of Ukraine on the territory of Russia, which were approved in 2012, cease to exist in accordance with this resolution. Now, these sites are not only the borders of the respective states, but also a number of regions of Russia.

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According to decision number 67 of 2012 The polling stations of Ukrainians who were in Russia were in Ukrainian diplomatic missions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don.

On December 31, 2018, an election campaign began in Ukraine President, to be held in March 2019. [19659008] [ad_2]
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