Chinese Space Program: What do we know about this?



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The Chinese space probe successfully installed on the back of the Moon. This is an important achievement for the country that sent a person into space in 2003.

In the coming years, China plans to launch a multi-carrier missile and launch a space station – a competitor of the ISS.

The BBC recalls the successes of the Chinese space program

The Lunar Program

The Chan & e program was named after the lunar goddess of Chinese mythology. The first camera in this series was launched on lunar orbit in 2007. The highlight of this program is to become an inhabited flight to the moon by 2036.

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Chan & e-4 will explore the back of the Moon

The device "Chan e-4" sits on the Moon in the South Pole-Aitken Basin – one of the largest craters in the solar system.

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Soft landing on the back The moon is a difficult task, as the moon blocks a direct connection between the spacecraft and the Earth . Therefore, a satellite retransmission was launched for the success of Chan-e-4 mission between Earth and Moon.

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A satellite retransmitter was launched between Earth and Moon to connect to the probe.

"Chan & e-4" is equipped with equipment to analyze the geological parameters of the moon. In addition, plant seeds and larvae of silkworms are on board

A record number of launches

In 2018, China launched 39 space launches – more than any other country.

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Launch of a Rocket with Chan & e-4

Last year, the United States launched 34 launches and Russia 20. In this case, the United States spent $ 36 billion for its space program in 2016 and China, less than 5 billions of dollars.

China is currently working on the creation of a space elevator and several

Private companies, including Space X Ilona Maska, are the closest to creating economic missiles in America.

In China, a private company only launched one launch, but without success: in October 2018, LandSpace hosted the first launch of a ZQ-1 three-stage rocket, but at n st worked correctly degree thirds.

Creating a Space Station

China's first "Tiangong-1" space station launched in 2011.

It became the first Chinese spacecraft in its class.

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In 2012, the first Chinese astronaut Liu Yang s' is returned to Tianung-1 Orbital Station.

The first female Chinese astronaut Liu Yang visited the station in 2012

The operation of the station was completed in March 2016 – two years later than planned. Tianhung-1 burned in the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean in April 2018.

The Tianhung-2 station was launched in 2016, but without permanent staff, it should be fully operational. # 2022.

] Anti-satellite weapons

In 2007, China became the third, after the United States and Russia, to demonstrate its ability to destroy objects located on the planet. Earth orbit.

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It is believed that a medium-range ballistic missile and a ground landing occurred during the tests. Then, the time observation satellite was successfully destroyed, launched in 1999.

The trial condemned the international community, and China responded that it opposed the militarization from space and to any form of pursuit of weapons.

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On the Earth's orbit, there are more than 20,000 relatively large fragments.

In 2016, China launched an orbital device for the transfer of space debris, such as old satellites.

According to NASA, on Earth's orbit, there are more than 20,000 gravel fractures and more. The number of debris is less than one million

It is feared that such devices could be used to disable hostile satellites in the event of war

Last year, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, declared its intention to create space forces within the armed forces. . And Vice President Mike Pence pointed to the growing military activities of Russia and Russia in space.

Quantum Communication

In 2016, China launched the world's first satellite for the transmission of quantum information. He was named "Mo-tzu" in honor of the ancient Chinese philosopher.

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The Changzhen rockets are becoming larger and more reliable.

The data transmitted by the satellite are contained in a series of photons that can not be captured or copied. Any attempt at interception will result in their self-destruction.

The cost of this project is estimated at $ 100 million.

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