Christie: Trump is "found struggling with a beating"


"Too often, he has found himself struggling with a scum," Christie said in his book.

According to the excerpts, Christie thinks that Trump should surround himself with "high quality" people.

"Donald" 19659004] Christie referred to former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn as "Russian Valet and Future Federal Criminal", of Scott Pruitt, former Chief of the Defense Protection Agency. Environment, "greedy and stingy". inexperienced, "the former Secretary of Social Services and Health, Tom Price – ousted in 2017 for using private jets during several government business trips -" at high altitude ", the # 39; former Attorney General Jeff Sessions "not ready for prime time" and former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson "a stranger."

Previous excerpts from the book showed Christie in Writing in the same direction, where he was picking on Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and advisor, while not criticizing Trump.

CNN contacted Christie, the White House and the people mentioned in extract for comment.

Trump asked Christie to lead her transition team before the general election, but after her victory, Christie was removed from the staffing team of the new administration. In the extracts published Mon di, Christie said the plan they created – which he said would have "launched (Trump) on a much more promising path" in keeping with his campaign values ​​and promises – "was thrown at the bin. Literally. "

" The thirty binders were thrown into a Trump Tower garbage dump, never to be seen again, "said Christie." Steve Bannon, Rick Dearborn, Jared Kushner and others, for selfish reasons, got rid of advice that would have allowed their candidate to be a much more effective president and would have saved him a lot of grief. "[19659009] [ad_2]
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