"Chuck and Nancy" present a united front against Trump against the border wall


At a press conference in 1994, Nancy Pelosi, a passionate, spoke out against the extension of China's privileges in the United States because of Peking's human rights record. , a case that had pitted a bipartisan congressional coalition against President Bill Clinton.

Among those who accompanied Pelosi when she detailed her opposition, there was then-Rep. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Who could not help but admire the oratorical talents of the San Francisco Congressman.

"She's so good," Schumer murmured to an assistant after they left the meeting room in the House. "My God, she's so good."

Nearly a quarter of a century later, Pelosi and Schumer are again working to confront a president, on a much larger scale, as President Trump and his Republican government try to exhaust the Democrats they give money to Trump for his precious wall of the border as part of a partial closure of the government that has no end.

There are not two directors in the stoppage who have presented a more united front than "Chuck and Nancy," as Trump nicknamed them. The two leaders refused to take strategic measures in the stop battle without consulting each other and became so simpatico that their staffs joke regularly for the two to end.

The two Democratic leaders – together, of course – refuted the first speech of Trump's oval office as he pleaded for controversy over his boundary wall, thus continuing a series of statements and announcements. Common appearances against the immigration applications of the administration. .

"We are strong only if we are unified. They understand this better than anyone, "said Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), a member of Schumer's management team. "They trust each other and, therefore, the caucuses of the different chambers are able to work well together."

In their response, Pelosi and Schumer took turns taking over Trump for spreading misinformation while arguing for a wall border, while insisting that the federal government should not serve as a lever for a wall that remains unpopular with the general public.

"President Trump must stop holding the American people hostage, stop creating a crisis and reopen the government, "said Pelosi.

Schumer added:" There is one obvious solution: to separate the closure of the border security talks. There is bipartisan legislation – backed by Democrats and Republicans – to reopen the government while allowing the debate on border security to continue. "

Pelosi, 78, and Schumer, 68, are both seasoned legislators with roots in the House who eventually rose to the top party leaders on Capitol Hill and worked closely under the Trump presidency. to protect the Affordable Care Act and limit Democratic defections on the Republican tax bill that became law by the end of 2017.

Their relationship dates back to at least 1987, when Schumer was a Then-Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) roommate, longtime ally of Pelosi, retired in 2015. In addition to sharing a townhouse on D Street SE, Miller, Schumer, then representatives Leon Panetta (D-Calif.) And Martin Russo (D-Ill.) Organize regular dinners on Tuesday evenings and, on occasion, invite other legislators to join

One of those guests that year was a newly elected legislator e, named Pelosi, which Miller brought to the club and told him, as he introduced her: She will be the first woman to speak.

Schumer "s' always remembered this story," said a close friend of the senator. "It's something that comes to mind."

Two decades later, Miller would be right. In 10 years, Pelosi and Schumer would become the respective leaders of the Democratic Chamber and find themselves in a fierce fight against a particular administration to separate while it would transmit its own contradictory messages. The administration officials, persuaded that Schumer would be more inclined to reach an agreement to end the closure, have tried to isolate Pelosi and describe her as an insoluble character, particularly in the case of her. waiting for his new official election of the president.

After meeting with Schumer and Vice President Pence immediately after the start of the closure, White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney told Fox News: "My instinct was that he was really interested in reaching an agreement and finding a compromise. "

" The more we hear about it this week, it's Nancy Pelosi who prevents that from happening, "Mulvaney said during the interview.

Aides rejects any notion of light from day between Pelosi and Schumer, and no public evidence suggesting a split.

In fact, it is the opposite that occurs.

The two men talk several times a day since the beginning of the conflict, declare their helpers, mainly from their mobile phone and so often that they regularly send updates to their staff, and not to the other. go around. Schumer, who is famous for having memorized the cell phone numbers of each member of the Senate Democratic caucus, also memorized the Pelosi figures.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), met with Schumer on December 18 for offer him a market on behalf of Maison-B lanche in order to avoid a closure and the adoption of a negotiated finance bill for the Department of Homeland Security. as well as an additional $ 1 billion for the various non-murals immigration policies of the administration. Schumer declined to engage on the spot and called Pelosi to his Capitol office, where they agreed that the offer was unacceptable, according to a manager familiar with these conversations. Pelosi left Schumer's office and quickly told the outside journalists that they would not accept the deal.

"Remember that they fought a lot together in the '90s," said a Democratic advisor, citing the Brady gun laws, for which Schumer was the main legislator and Pelosi, who had helped to prepare votes. "They've known each other for a very, very long time. It helps a lot this relationship.

The two Democratic leaders also thoroughly prepared for the White House meetings, including another one on Wednesday afternoon with the top eight congressional leaders. Pelosi and Schumer – along with their main MPs, the House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) And the Senate Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) – gathered before the two Situation Room meetings last week the Democratic leaders were on the same page. (Pelosi served chocolate donuts at the Friday meeting in his president's office, around breakfast time.)

The decision to give Tuesday's reply together was also a Common decision taken when Pelosi was talking on the phone with Schumer while she was returning to San Francisco from Sacramento after witnessing the swearing in of the newly elected California governor, Gavin Newsom (D).

"He promised to keep the government shut down for" months or years, "no matter who it hurts," Pelosi said at the end of his tenure. remarks. "It's just wrong."

Glenn Kessler contributed to this report.

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