Closing impasse: Trump heads to the hill after the Oval Office address


As a result of the President Trump's appeal on national television for the maintenance of his long-promised border wall The Democratic leaders of Congress seize on Wednesday as the government gradually ends the government. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) And Charles E. Schumer (DN.Y.), Speaker of Parliament, hold an event bringing together federally-licensed employees and legislators from the Washington region will highlight negative impact of the closing of negotiations with trade union leaders.

Meanwhile, Trump will travel to Capitol Hill to bolster Senate Republican support. Afternoon meeting at the White House with congressional leaders from both parties for their first face-to-face meeting since last week.

The day began with both parties trying to present their arguments on television.

9:06 am: Trumps tweets "we must repair our southern border!"

Trump took into account the closure for the first time Wednesday with a tweet claiming that the country was doing well "in so many ways", but that he still had to take care of security border.

9:00 am: Fitch warns that a prolonged stoppage could hurt the US credit rating

As the US Partial Fitch Government Ratings warned Wednesday that a prolonged shutdown could undermine the country's Triple-A credit rating if lawmakers were unable to meet a budget or manage the debt ceiling.

Shortly after Trump fought for the wall. James McCormack, global head of sovereign ratings at Fitch, told Prime Time TV that the country's growing debt was weighing on the United States and that the government could not tackle the rising level of debt when 39, a closure.

Taylor Telford of Post here

8:40: Sanders said that a national emergency declaration "remained on the table"

The White House Press Attaché Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that Trump was still considering declaring a nation emergency situation that would allow him to instruct the army to build a border wall without congressional consent.

"It's something we're always looking at, something that's definitely still on the table," Sanders told reporters at the White House. [19659017] She added, however, that "the best solution is to be able to work with Congress to make this happen."

In recent days, the White House has considered an emergency statement, although Trump does not Did not mention Tuesday, in his oval office speech

Democrats said they could take legal action to try to block the move.Some Republicans also spoke out against the strategy, saying that They did not want funds to be diverted from existing military construction projects 19659021] Parliamentary majority whip James E. Clyburn (DS.C.) presented an optimistic view on Wednesday – a rarity on Capitol Hill in this regard moment – from the end of the closure.

"I think we are very close to an agreement," Clyburn said during an appearance on CNN.

His assessment comes as House Democrats plan to pass a series of spending bills reopening areas of government with no connection to border security. This measure is intended to put pressure on the Republican-run Senate to act, which is what the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Has stood to the present day. .

"I think that in the not-too-distant future, the Senate will act and the president will respond appropriately," said Clyburn.

07:50: Sanders says Democrats continue to live in denial –

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders Wednesday morning criticized Democratic congressional leaders "continue to live in Denial "in the face of a crisis at the border.

"They're more concerned with politics than protecting Americans," Sanders told Fox News in response to Pelosi and Schumer's comments after Trump's oval office

Sanders said that White House had "shown a willingness to work with them," citing Trump's passage from a concrete wall to a steel fence, among other things.

Speaking at a meeting scheduled for Wednesday afternoon at White H Sanders said, "It would be nice if Democrats come forward and manifest the same kind of willpower that we need to get the job done."

His assessment followed a speech by Trump on Tuesday evening in which he painted a heartbreaking speech, an image of danger and death along the US-Mexico border, describing undocumented immigrants as murderers, rapists and drug traffickers and arguing that a steel barrier – for which he is asking Congress to allocate $ 5.7 billion – is the only solution.

Democratic Response, Pelosi and Schumer have severely criticized Trump for what Pelosi called "senseless closure."

"The fact is that President Trump must stop holding the American people hostage, must stop creating a crisis and must reopen the government. "

7:35: Kaine says Democrats are serious about border security

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) Said on Wednesday that Democrats were serious about border security and said Trump was only inserted into the issue for "talking points".

"Democrats are willing to invest heavily in border security they have done the right job," Kaine said during an appearance on CNN.

He referred to a bipartisan agreement presented to Trump early last year, providing $ 25 billion for border security over 10 years.

"The President blew up the market," said Kaine, "There is an agreement to be negotiated here, but we must first reopen the government."

7:20 am: Cheney says the House Republicans "stand by the side of the President"

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said Wednesday that Republicans in the House continued to stand alongside Trump and claimed that Democrats were refusing to negotiate the end of the closure.

"That could be solved in a 45-minute meeting, and I think the Americans want to solve it. We are ready to negotiate, "said Cheney, chairman of the House Republican Conference, in an interview with Fox News in the morning.

" We know that the most important thing we have to do as a business. elected is to secure the border. , protect the nation, "said Cheney. "We will not play partisan games here. […] We will stand with the president.

At 6 o'clock in the morning: On Hill, the speeches at prime time only separated the parties from each other

Neither the address of the Oval TV Office of President Trump, nor the According to the Legislators' reactions from across the political spectrum this Tuesday, the Democratic representatives of Congress seem to have brought one or the other of the parties to the lifting of the partial closure of the government by a political control of 18 days.

the parties only became more rooted in their positions – while some questioned aloud the interest of dueling statements broadcast live in prime time broadcast live by television channels .

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