CNN's Jake Tapper presents an astounding list of Trump's troubling relations with Russia


CNN's Jake Tapper on Monday presented a disturbing summary of several troubling links between President Donald Trump, his presidential campaign and Russia – and "that's only one sample," did it? he noted.

up here following the bomb reports of the New York Times and the Washington Post. According to the Times, the FBI was so worried about Trump's story and his dismissal from former FBI director, James Comey, that he opened an investigation, fearing that the president does not work secretly on behalf of the Kremlin – wisely or otherwise.

The Post reported that Trump had made "extraordinary" efforts to conceal the details of his private talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, even taking notes from his own interpreter. to find the missing emails from rival Hillary Clinton, apparently offering an incentive for a foreign power to hack the communication of an American, which could have included classified information. Shortly afterwards, Democratic Party e-mails were hacked by a Kremlin-related operation.

Trump also hired Paul Manafort, who had close ties with pro-Russian Ukrainians and a Russian oligarch linked to Putin. Manafort, President Jared Kushner's son-in-law, his son Donald Trump Jr., and others later met at Trump Tower with a Kremlin-bound Russian lawyer who had promised to dirty Clinton. Trump also boasted of having shot at Comey at a meeting of an oval office with Russian officials.

Trump said Monday that he "had never worked for Russia" and told a reporter outside the White House that "it was" outrageous that you asked this question – it's all a big hoax.

Still, Tapper asked, "If you were an FBI member, do you think there may be something interesting to look at there?

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