Colombia blew up the police academy: 21 dead and dozens wounded


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An explosion took place near the door of the Police Academy where the graduation ceremony was held.

<img alt = "In Colombia, a three-day national mourning photo was taken / photo" src = "https: // .PNG? 0.19240574718806092 "title =" Colombia announced a three-day national mourning / photo on national mourning / photo rcnradio

At least 21 people died and 68 were injured as a result of # 39, an explosion at the Police Academy in the Colombian capital, Bogotá C is the largest number of victims of an assault in the city in the last 16 years

This was reported by the Russian air force. "The car bombed by the explosion has entered the police academy and exploded." It is reported that the explosion was damaged not only the building of the Educational establishment, but also the neighboring buildings.

The car was stopped at the point of cont role before the explosion, after which the driver pressed heavily on the gasoline. The jeep moved suddenly from one place to another, crushed against the wall and exploded.

The driver, a 57-year-old man, Jose Aldeamaro Rojas Rodríguez, was killed in an explosion. According to preliminary data, he had not previously fallen into the field of view of the police. The motive of the aggressor has not yet been clarified.

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No extremist group is not known. took responsibility for the attack. Colombian President Ivan Duki, who arrived at the scene of the incident, described the incident as "a crazy terrorist act".

A three-day national mourning was announced in Colombia

Previously, IDIL was responsible for the bombings of a house and a bus in Magnitogorsk

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