Competitor Lunin missed the shot after a shot from the middle of the field ᐉ UA-Football


More precisely, after finishing due to the rebound of the ball after the impact of the center of the field

Andriy Lunin – one of the main media figures of Ukrainian football this winter. There is not every day news of the situation of a Ukrainian in Leganes, of his competition with Cuyellar, of his prospects at Real. But on a football pitch, the young goalkeeper rarely appears.

The coach "Leganes" Mauricio Peljegrino prefers an experienced and authoritative Cueljaro. Ivan, as mentioned before, is the head of the locker room. But he is not immune to slaps. In the 18th round against Espanyol, Leganese's main goalie missed a goal after hitting the center of the field

More precisely, a shot was hit on several meters, but this maneuver was made possible by the rebound of the ball after the crossbar. almost from the central circle. David Lopez noticed that Cuillah moved away from the goal and dared a long shot (at least for the transfer, this Espanyola player maneuver was not at all). The ball hit the crossbar, Cuellar was already offside and Borja Iglesias was easy on the goal.

The score is therefore 1: 0 in favor of Espanyola, at which ends the first half. Andrey Lunin was watching the events on the substitutes' bench.

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