Conway suggests Booker is sexist for running against 2020 Dem Dem


  Kellyanne Conway "title =" Kellyanne Conway "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  In her Friday morning interview at Fox News, Kellyanne Conway, from New Jersey, also criticized Senator Cory Booker for her past as Mayor of Newark. Evan Vucci / AP Photo </p>
<p>  President Kellyanne Conway's advisor suggested on Friday that the 2020 presidential candidate, Cory Booker, was subject to a sexism norm different from that of the Republicans, wondering Aloud why he was not criticized for entering an already densely populated democratic field with female candidates </p>
<p>  "I would ask him a few questions today while he leaves my New Native Jersey, "said Conway in an interview for" Fox & Friends "on Fox News. </p>
<p class= A story continued under

" One of your objections to what Kamala Harris is running, [Massachusetts Sen.] Elizabeth Warr in, [New York Sen.] Kirsten Gillibrand, those others who have already announced, [Hawaii Rep.] Tul if Gabbard perhaps? If he was a Republican running against them, they would immediately call him a sexist for running against these women in the Democratic field. "

Booker, Democratic Senator from New Jersey, had long ago entered the 2020 race and officially Friday morning we posted an online launch video laden with rhetoric and praising her past as mayor of Newark, New He is the most prominent man who has announced a White House nomination for 2020 and has joined Harris, Gillibrand and Warren in the Senators group who have announced the creation of committees or exploratory campaigns in the United States. 2020.

Conway President, President Donald Trump, was sharply criticized during the 2016 Campaign for his attacks on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and women in general, notably for his assertion that the former secretary of state "does not have the look" and "does not have the stamina" to be president. The president also commented roughly on Meg's comments Kelly yn, the former Fox News presenter, criticized the physical appearance of Carly Fiorina, principal candidate at the GOP 2016, and attacked the many women who accused her of sexual misconduct.

Interview Friday morning at Fox News, Conway, from New Jersey, also criticized Booker for his criminal record as mayor of Newark and for some of his tactics at the hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation, currently at the Supreme Court. She also accused him of giving up his previous plea for school choice for political reasons.

"I would also ask him what you accomplished exactly qualifies you as commander-in-chief and president of the United States?", She said.

But in the end, she said that the Trump government welcomed his candidacy, mocking the magnitude of the Democratic field, which already has more than half a dozen candidates.

"Welcome, the water seems hot," she said. "Welcome to dive with, I do not know, 10, 15, 30 other Democratic candidates."

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