Covington Catholic and how social justice is the death of true justice


I had all the ingredients of the perfect crime of the 21st century. A seemingly incriminating social media video. This red hat. A class victim may be the most oppressed in American history, a Native American. A villain of his most privileged, a white man. And most damning, that incorrigible and implacable smile.

But it turns out that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of retweets from a meeting after the March for Life have badly told. Nick Sandmann, a junior at Covington Catholic High School, has not bothered the personal space of a Native American activist and veteran, Nathan Phillips. He did not jubilant with the centuries of white privileges held over the head of a man whose people were facing genocide committed by the colonizer. Thus, it seems that the student to the now infamous smirk has committed only one crime: the existing one.

The initial scandal was not a story. It was a series of uninspiring photos and video clips of Covington's student wearing a MAGA hat unscrupulously smiling at Phillips. Almost everyone, including yours, assumed the worst, namely that the student went into a Native American gathering just to be an idiot. This corresponded to a story of white supremacy, white colonization and white shamelessness, so that the media rushed.

But stories like these are not just snapshots in time. They have a beginning and an end. In this case, the truth has changed everything.

[ Read: Rush in judgment? New details appear when confronting a Native American elder with teenagers dressed in a MAGA hat]

Through hours of video and a torrent of testimonials, the largest history has unfolded. Phillips, portrayed as a victim in the narrative, was in fact the one that encroached on Covington's student space, where they were asked to wait to be resumed after the anti-abortion march. . Before Phillips met Sandmann, a group of "Black Israelites," a well-known hate group, had charged Covington students with homophobic insults and racial smears. Phillips then intervened – on behalf of the hate group! He found himself face to face with Sandmann and drummed.

Phillips, who has been blitzing the media since the story became viral, has happily claimed the role of victim. He told the Detroit Free Press that he had got into the situation because Covington's children were "attacking those four black people" and that he had simply confronted Sandmann to defuse the situation. As the video evidence now proves, it was a lie. The black Israelites verbally attacked the students for some time, and the students did not attack them.

Sandmann, whose serene face with a sarcastic smile has become a revelation of hate – celebrities like Chris Evans at Alyssa Milano have tried to shame the miner, and the hashtag #ExposeChristianSchools began to evolve soon after – was unveiled Sunday with a statement issued by a public relations firm. Her family was sentenced, her school was publicly spoiled, and her identity became a crime.

"I have never had any interaction with this protester, I have not spoken to him, I have not made any gestures or any aggressive gestures. Was surprised and confused as to why he had approached me.We already had another group of protesters shouted after and when the second group approached, I was afraid that the situation becomes uncontrollable and adults try to provoke teenagers, "wrote Sandmann. "I thought that by staying still and calm, I was helping to defuse the situation."

Sandmann committed the crime of not being ashamed of his own existence. Without facts, a crowd of progressive lynchists jumped into a single image based on his biases about perceived power in America. We now know that Sandmann was approached. But to be clear: he was supposed to submit.

The trick of social justice is to eradicate individual justice – true justice. Because white men have spent centuries killing Amerindians with weapons and germs, an innocent child provoked by adults – both in front and online – must now pay, hundreds of years later . He was not supposed to smile. He was supposed to confess his original sin of whiteness.

The left has assimilated Sandmann to Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court. The comparison is largely correct. Both were accused, without any credible evidence, of something terrible, with no room for maneuver or misunderstanding.

"This young man and his behavior are a symptom of something much bigger.I do not think he focuses on him specifically – and that it also leads to the current narrative of his victimization, "wrote Anne Helen Peterson of Sandmann, BuzzFeed. . "I watched all the videos, you can understand that the situation was more complex than the first video and understand why the sight of this face caused a visceral reaction in many people."

That's it: even if the truth is revealed, Peterson will always blame the victim for being the bad guy. You see, his crime was his exact attempt to defuse the situation. He was not supposed to do that. He was not supposed to stay calm and smile. He was supposed to submit . He was supposed to pay for his whiteness to pay that damn hat he wanted to wear.

For Peterson and others, the innocence of Sandmann in this case does not change anything. He deserves to be punished for the crimes of white slave owners and colonizers who lived hundreds of years before his birth. Serenity is now sufficiency. A smile is no longer a call to relax; it's a call to arms.

You can blame the media, which have long since embraced "social justice" for the truth. The indictment of ourselves is even more overwhelming.

I retweeted the original story. I had no proof, just an image that corresponded to a story that I've told a thousand times before. So, I shared it and smeared a child unfounded. I now know that I was wrong. I am sorry. I apologize to Nick Sandmann and hope that those who have so quickly shared the first pictures will learn the truth and will apologize if necessary.

But make no mistake. For a disturbing part of the American crowd, the facts will not matter, even once they are aware. For them, Sandmann, with that naive smile, was already a crime.

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