Covington Student's Lawyer Adds Cyber ​​Attack and Aggression Threats to New Cause of Action


Representatives representing Nick Sandmann – the teenager from Kentucky who was confronted with a Native American activist in a controversial viral video – added cyberbullying and assault as possible charges of lawsuits against the "cybermob" aimed at the teenager after his March interactions for life in Washington, DC

L. Lin Wood, a nationally renowned lawyer in the areas of defamation, defamation and the First Amendment, told Fox News Tuesday that Sandmann's lawyers were investigating all tracks for a cause of action "beyond defamation and intentional submission of emotional distress. "

" Many statements were published that advocated subjecting Nick to acts of physical violence, "he said." Although courts have had to this day few opportunities to identify the appropriate causes of action for the harms caused by illegal speech on the Internet, I think that there are several viable causes of action for this young man who is and remains a complaining private figure. "

STUDENT OF SUPERIOR STUDIES OF COVINGTON, ADVOCATES PREPARING FOR A FIGHT AGAINST LIBEL, RELEASE A VIDEO OF" THE TRUTH " [19659003] Sandma nn was falsified online after the release of a video show him harassing a Native American after a pro-life protest on Jan. 18 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. The teenager was in the National Capital with comrades from Covington Catholic High School as part of an annual field visit. 19659003] The incident sparked widespread and widespread criticism of Sandmann, who was seen in the brief excerpt of the smiling encounter in front of activist Nathan Phillips.

But subsequent videos that covered the entire incident revealed that the students – some of whom, including Sandmann, wearing the red cap "Make American Great Again" – were in fact the ones who had been approached and criticized before Phillips and other Native American activists do not approach it. Another group – the so-called black Hebrew Israelites – was heard and seen screaming after the students.

School officials and Native Americans involved have reported receiving death threats since the meeting.


Wood states that the magnitude of the false and threatening speech of this incident is "extraordinary" and "will testing the limits of cyber-harassment, cyber-harassment, cyber-harassment "Accused who deliberately joined a cyber-hangman to harass and threaten a teenager have good reasons to be legally concerned" , he added.

The Sandmann legal team also sent letters of preservation to more than 50 media organizations, celebrities and politicians advising them not to destroy any documents The lawyers are preparing to a possible fight for defamation and defamation.

"It's a huge potential reservoir of defendants," Fox News lawyer Todd McMurtry, who works in Fox News said Monday. ur Wood.


Wood has also released a 15-minute video that, he says, shows "the truth" about what's going on. passed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

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