Crimean News – Kadyrov detained in occupied Crimea: an important photo is published


The channel showed a photo of a man beaten by an assistant of the permanent representative of Chechnya in Russia occupied by Russia, Murad Saidov. On the night of February 5 to 6, police were arrested in the town of Saki, Crimea.

According to People's Truth, a blogger who writes with a nickname RoksolanaToday & Crimea reported on Twitter.

"It is for us there was a great lack of Ukraine." So, the Crimeans? It's about the person of a man who was beaten by the bandit Chechen Lord and Kadyrova Said Murad, nicknamed "Sutu", wrote the blogger.

  Kadyrov Human Rights detention in occupied Crimea: an important photo was published

Mourad Saidov beat his compatriot , the entrepreneur Ibragim Aliyev, Said asked Aliyev to give him a share of his hotel business He replied to the refusal

Saidov is known to represent the permanent representative of Chechnya in occupied Crimea Isi Khachukayev

  The detention of Kadyrov in the occupied Crimea: an important photo was published

Details about the victim of the attack on the people of Kadyrov, Aliyev businessman , and comments on the situation in Crimea

  Detention of Kadyrov in the Crim e occupied: human rights

  Human rights of Kadyrov in occupied Crimea: appeared in photo zhlyve

Reminder arrested in Chechen Crimea Murad annex Ibrahim Saidov Aliyev also proposed "racket protection." Among the weapons seized in Saidov, there are at least three conventional pistols, a rifle and a gold pistol.

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