Dasha Astafyeva explained why she could not get married


The well-known Ukrainian singer and actress Dasha Astafyeva described the details of her relationship with her lover Artem Kim, who has long been under house arrest because of alleged theft of several million dollars. . The actress pointed out that now a couple is experiencing difficult times, and in their lives, things that are constantly absurd are happening. She said about it in an interview with the publication of "KP Ukraine", reports Chronicle.Info with reference to the browser.

"On January 26, Artem was removed from house arrest, but there are still absurd things, he does not have a passport, he can not work or leave the country. , has neither the end nor the edge, "- shared his experiences Astafyev.

Also, the artist added that if it was a lawsuit, it was very difficult Before her arrest, Artem worked very hard, often during travel or business trips.After being accused of stealing several million hryvnias, the boy was locked up for six months without having had the opportunity to leave, while constantly watching the couple.

"We constantly had people watching, recording, walking under the windows, it's awful! I sometimes sometimes even afraid to do something and where to go, "said Dasha.

Despite the complexity of the relationship, the artist noted that she was ready to fight for her beloved until the end.

"I would never have thought the court that I will be evicted from the courtroom that I will cry in front of the reporters.Artyom started with me some mechanism of the truth", – said Dasha, adding that despite the wonderful relationship in a couple, marriage is not yet discussed, but she already calls her husband

"Marriage is still not a language, It is not so important now, as it was at a given time.We have a wonderful relationship.We introduced our parents.We have excellent relations with the Artem family, my parents are crazy about Artem It is important that we are together We live in the same apartment, we have a common "baby" – the favorite dog Chicha, – shared Astafyev.

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