Death's funeral marked a disturbing incident: thousands of fans were scared to death


An unpleasant incident occurred at the funeral of Russian reporter Cyril Tolmacky (Decla), which took place in Moscow on Wednesday, 6 February.

According to local mass media, the artist's farewell ceremony was held in the ritual hall of the city's central clinical hospital. At one point, the microphone was picked up by an unknown young man who promised to "avenge Cyril".



"Cyril, we will avenge you, whoever did it will be punished, everyone will be responsible" – said to his relatives and Declla's fans are unknown . His tongue was interrupted by rapper Alexander Tlumatsky's father.

"I would not want to hear these speeches at the funeral, get out of the room, you do not need provocations or foolish speeches, but something better happened ", – he turned to the boy.



Recall that the Russian rapper Cyril Tlumatsky, known by the pseudonym Decl, died suddenly on February 3, could be a victim of Russian special services. Such an assumption appeared on the net.

Yes, one of the users drew attention to the fact that Cyril Tlumatsky regularly criticized the Russian authorities in general and Putin in particular. Even one of the latest messages from the artist was sent to the Kremlin leadership.



"He criticized the authorities both in music and in the media.I have nothing to say, I just want to remind you that the KGB of the USSR (where was Putin) there was the practice of slaughter, which was not determined by the examinations and which recalls death due to natural causes " – wrote Maxim Mirovich.

Remember a show about the death of rapper Cyril Tolmacki, 35 years old (Decla).

As reported by "Know", narrated by the death of Russian rap artist Kirill Tolmackky appeared in the preliminary results of the exam.

Also, Know.u "wrote that the night On February 3, a terrible tragedy occurred: the 35-year-old Decl rapper, died of a club death. 39, company of the club.

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