Deceased actor of the series "Enchanted"


The actor Steve Bin died of cancer (his real name is Stephen Levy).

Transmits The Variety.

Steve, the day of his death, was 58 years old. He died at home in Los Angeles after a long battle with nose cancer.

A terrible diagnosis was posed to the actor in 2016. After that, Steve Bean spoke about his fight against a terrible disease in the "My Year Without Nose" essay, published in MEL magazine .

Steve Bean was born on April 27, 1960 in Mass., USA. At the age of 20, he performed with comedian Chris Zito and became popular with the Boston public as a comedian. He then moved to Los Angeles and began writing for well-known comedy series and films.

Steve Bean becomes famous for his roles in "Enchanted", "Beastless", "Ray Donovan", "Married and with Children", "Attends Charlie!" And "Darma and Greg". He has also appeared in such films as "Mine Hunting", "The Blast from the Past" and "The Newcomers".

Remember, a close friend of Putin died: he was trying to save citizenship

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This was made public thanks to the announcement of his son Tom


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It is known that a man worked on the propaganda channel NTV

. This was made public thanks to the message from the correspondent's workplace.

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