Decl is dead: the last concert and the minutes of the life of the Russian rapper


Before the death of Russian rapper Decla (Kirill Tolmacki), his hands began to hurt, then an attack on the musician. He was trying to help her for about half an hour.

All this time, near the cloakroom Declum humiliated people, writes the channel Telegram Mash: it was not possible to save the rappers and Decl died of cardiac arrest. However, it is only preliminary data.

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The artist died after a concert in Izhevsk. According to Mash, the rapper spoke at a private party held on the occasion of the birthday of the car dealer Nikita Pantyukhina. Sam Pantyukhin says the party had no drugs, and no special Decl food has not ordered. Nobody also noticed any strange behavior of the performer.

Dezl smoked and drank alcohol before his death, according to the FAN publication

. The frames show how the rapper sweeps the crowd under one of his most popular songs, "Party".

Watch the video of Dezla's last performance:

What do we know about Decla? Russian rap artist, his real name is Kirilo Tolmatsky. Born on July 22, 1983 in Moscow. Former member of the "Bad B. Alliance" rap-union. The first album of the artist "Who?" (2000) is one of the best-selling albums in Russia with a circulation of more than one million copies.

He stayed with his wife Julia and his 13 year old son Anthony.

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