Democrats of 2020 reprimand Trump with guests from the state of the Union


New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand brings a decorated transgender navy member. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren brings a recently fired union leader from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. California Senator Kamala Harris takes a woman who lost her house in a forest fire.

They are among the many lawmakers who are already running or weighting for a presidential bid in 2020 and want to send a clear message the night Trump will command a national audience. .

Gillibrand's guest is Blake Dremann, a transgender marine commander who has been deployed eleven times. This invitation comes after the Supreme Court authorized the entry into force of the ban on Trump's transgender military service.

Gillibrand, who fought the "Do not Ask, Do not Tell" military policy, announced that she would introduce in the Senate a bill to protect the transgender Americans' ability to serve in the army.

"Transgender service members such as Lieutenant Commander Dremann make extraordinary sacrifices every day to defend our freedom and our most sacred values, and President Trump's decision to ban military service is cruel and compromises our state. military preparation, "she said. .

Harris invited Trisha Pesiri-Dybvik, whose house had been destroyed by a forest fire that ravaged southern California last year.

Pesiri-Dybvik and her husband both work for air traffic control and were released on bail at the closure of the government this year, Harris said.

"The story of Trisha is just one of the many stories I heard when closing the lives of Americans whose lives were turned upside down and who faced these difficult days with strength and resilience, "Harris said in a statement. "Washington needs to hear its history and avoid another detrimental stop."

Senator Elizabeth Warren's guest, Saidid Shahriar, a HUD member and union leader, plays a role in the US federation of government employees and in the AFL-CIO of Massachusetts. .

"It's time to send a message to President Trump and the Senate Republicans: federal and contract employees are the backbone of our economy and their livelihoods should never be used as pawns in Republican political games, "Warren said in a statement.

Others, who are considering presidential elections, are also using the state of the Union to advance their political priorities.

Amy Klobuchar, Senator from Minnesota, is attacking the cost of prescription drugs. Her guest, Nicole Smith-Holt, mother of Alec Smith, died of diabetic ketoacidosis because he could not afford to buy his insulin prescription at $ 1,300 per month.

Putting the focus on his defense of gun control, California representative Eric Swalwell invited him. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Cameron Kasky, shootout survivor and gun reform activist

One of the most outspoken critics of the Trump government's family separations on the US-Mexico border , Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley, invited his mother and daughter Albertina Contreras Teletor and Yakelin Garcia Contreras, who had been separated at the southern border last spring.

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