Democrats report that they will reject Trump's proposal for a stop


Democrats let it be known that they will reject an upcoming proposal by President Trump Donald John TrumpTrump Strikes BuzzFeed Against Cohen Report, Indicates Russian DNC Recorded That It had been targeted by Russian hackers after BuzzFeed published the final BuzzFeed report: Mueller should "clearly explain what he is challenging" MORE to tie the border money to the temporary protections afforded to some undocumented immigrants as a way out of the partial closure of the government.

According to numerous reports, Trump is expected to publicly claim $ 5.7 billion for the border in exchange for a temporary extension of protected status for Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA) recipients. ) and some holders of temporary protection status.

But Democratic assistants, rank-and-file members and Democratic leaders are quickly studying the proposal presented before the scheduled release on Saturday afternoon, making Trump's speech unlikely to break the stalemate for several weeks.

"First, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader McConnell must open the government today, secondly, I can not support the proposed offer as it stands. Reported and I do not believe it can be passed by the Senate Thirdly, I am ready to sit at any time after the government is open and working to resolve any outstanding issues, "Sen said. Dick Durbin Richard (Dick) Joseph DurbinSchumer Wants Trump Answers On A Prominent Area At The Border Trump AG To Choose: I Will Not Be "Intimidated" By Anyone Including President Coverage Live : the choice of Trump AG on the Mueller probe at the MORE confirmation hearing (Ill.), Democratic Senator No. 2.

Democratic leaders were not consulted at The next White House proposal, according to two contributors, who both noted that Democrats had previously rejected similar ideas.

"Democrats have already rejected the government's inadequate offers. The BRIDGE law does not fully protect the dreamers and is not a permanent solution, "said a Democratic councilor of the House.

" There is no compromise because it includes the same useless and useless demand of $ 5.7 billion which first shut down the government, "added the advisor.

The BRIDGE Act, as previously presented by Sens. Lindsey Graham [19659013] Lindsey Olin GrahamDems re-launches impeachment speech after the latest Cohen bomb attack Night defense: second Trump-Kim summit slated for next month | Pelosi accuses Trump of disclosing Afghanistan travel plans | Pentagon warns of climate threatening bases | Trump presses for reconsidering its exit from Syria Dem asks Cohen to testify before a Senate committee about the explosive report MORE (RS. C.) And Durbin, allowing "Dreams urs "- undocumented immigrants brought into the country as children – to rise to three years of" temporary protected presence "and the ability to work in the United States. The proposal was intended as a patch while the Congress was developing a broader immigration agreement.

A second Democratic assistant described Trump's impending offer of "non-serious product".

"The Dems have not been consulted on this and have already rejected such overtures.It is clearly an unserious product of the negotiations between the staff of WH to try to repair the damage created by the president. holds more people hostage wall, "said the assistant.

Trump's offer comes on the 29th day of the government's partial closure, which affects about a quarter of the government and requires about 800,000 federal employees to be laid off or work without pay.

The White House is trying to create a rift between Democratic leaders and moderate members while they are looking for an exit strategy. Trump's proposal is the latest effort by the administration to try to put pressure on lawmakers after several polls have shown that a majority of Americans blame the president for closing the country.

But members of the base showed no sign of breaking with the Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi Patricia Nancy D & # 39; Alesandro Pelosi – The Money: Trump's main announcement on Saturday is stopped | Fight with Dems Intensifies | Pelosi accuses Trump of having fled to Afghanistan | Mnuchin refuses to testify about the consequences of the closure Ellen DeGeneres buys cheese cakes from fired federal employees who were preparing to make ends meet "Trump's Great Teasing Announcement Regarding the Saturday Closure PLUS (D-Calif .) Or Minority Leader Charles Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis SchumerTrump accuses Pelosi of wanting to leave the country during the closure of the Senate The Senate is expected to host the debate on the state of Union senators will debate the opportunity to retransmit the video of Cardi B criticizing the Trump PLUS judgment (DN.Y.)., which remained in close coordination throughout of the financing battle that lasted several weeks

The main Democratic assistant of the House added Saturday that the White House's offer "can not be passed by the House or Senate". [19659004]"The meadows ident must agree to reopen the government and join the Democrats to negotiate safe border measures that work and not an expensive and ineffective wall that the president promised Mexico to pay, "added the collaborator.

Although Republicans control the Senate, they need at least seven Democratic senators to get their plan on a filibuster of 60 votes. But the Democrats showed no signs of a break from Schumer, who rose several times in front of the Senate to urge Trump's leader and the majority Mitch McConnell Addison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellAll agents protest against the government's closure at Pittsburgh Airport The lawsuit against Russia Pompeo plans to meet Pat Roberts in the midst of the speculations of the 2020 Senate, MORE (R-Ky.), Wishing to reopen the government before it negotiates the border demands.

Democrat senators, who appeared in the dark about what Trump will offer exactly, said Saturday that they were keen on this request.

Sen. Tim Kaine Timothy (Tim) Michael KaineSenate The GOP blocks the bill to reopen homeland security The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – The battle caused by the closure causes a loss of 0k per day system More unpleasant government trains (D-Va. 1), noting that he had heard conflicting rumors about what the president will say, said he agreed to sign an agreement before the reopening of the government " accelerate the use of the halting of negotiations as a negotiating tool ".

"We have to reopen the government first," he told The Hill. "If we can get the reopening of the government, I am absolutely convinced that there is an agreement here."

Sen. Brian Schatz Brian Emanuel SchatzDem Senators wonder whether to retweet Cardi B's video criticizing the closure of Cardinal B Cardi B expresses his solidarity with federal employees who do not get paid. Action on Climate and Energy: Beyond the Partisan Sayings PLUS (D-Hawaii) added in a tweet that "If we open the government, I am open to negotiations, but if we reward that behavior, it will never end, and the pain and chaos will be even worse. "

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