Disaster and the collapse of Putin's empire: Western media praised Tomas' donation to the Ukrainian church


From 6 January, Ukraine officially has its full and independent church in Moscow, which has become a political disaster and the collapse of the empire of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

It's written in the Gazeta Wyborcza.

The edition recalls that while the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople "came back to life", the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (ECU) adopted the Metropolitan of Kiev Epiphany a scepter and a tomos – a resolution on the creation of an autocephalous church, that is to say independent and local orthodox.

What's changing? The publication indicates that at that time, the only canonical church, namely the world-renowned church in Ukraine, was the so-called UOC-Moscow Patriarchate. Its spiritual rivals were the UAOC and the UOC Kyiv Patriarchate, but none of them had international recognition. And now, these denominations have created a new unique CPC. The Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, who enjoys the greatest authority in the Orthodox world, has legalized it despite all the Moscow protests.

This is very important for believers because all the sacraments they received from unrecognized denominations in Ukraine now take on a particular spiritual significance. . Now, in the context of the war in the Donbass and the occupation of Crimea, Ukrainians will gradually move into their "church", abandoning the one that the Kremlin controls. The process will be long but unstable despite resistance from Moscow. However, the creation of the CAP is not only political or religious, but also of great historical significance.

After all, Ukraine ceased to be what Moscow called its "canonical territory". The Kremlin lost what it considered to be its since the time of the Council Pereiaslav in 1654. From the point of view of ideology, the reign of Russia over the neighboring country and its people consolidated the decree of the patriarch of Constantinople, acquired by Peter the Great in 1686, which determined the superiority of Moscow over Ukrainian orthodoxy.

The autocephaly of Ukraine is the end of the old concept of the image of Moscow. "Third Rome", that is to say the world center of Christian civilization. It is also a fiasco for the imperialist idea of ​​the so-called "Russian peace", which supposedly should unite the Orthodox Slavs.

"If Putin's reign was over, he would go down in history as a loser who would do it with Under the influence of his country, Georgia (the prey of Catherine II in 1783), which was once loyal, was turned into an enemy of Moscow after the war of 2008. She also made it to Ukraine., and Putin, for not being demonized, can take in his story for Rainey is a place close to Mikhail Gorbachev, whose compatriots are accused of the collapse of the USSR, "reads in this article.

The publication points out that it is Putin who is responsible for the loss of Russian influence. Because he has led the empire to collapse with his aggressive approach towards neighbors and his military adventures.

Recall, political scientist Andriy Okara in the talk show "Echo of Ukraine" to "Straight" said that giving Tomos autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine had become a problem. existential, the problem of its existence as an empire, quasi-empire or in the form that they want there.

On November 29, the Synod of Bishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate approved Tomos's text on the provision of autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Council of Unity of Ukrainian Orthodox Churches met in Kiev Cathedral. During the Council, the representative of the UOC deputy, Metropolitan Vinnitsa and Barsky, defeated himself for the title of Prime Minister of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, during which the cathedral s & rsquo; Is held in the "Direct" room: Sophia of Kiev, the Gallic metropolitan and the future church: how will the Council of unity.

Simeon and a representative of UOC-KP, Metropolitan Pereyaslavsky and Bila Tserkva Epiphanius. Following two rounds of elections, the representative of UOC-KP Epifani, who received the title of Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, was elected. Read the exclusive interview with the new head of the Orthodox Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanes.

On December 20, the Verkhovna Rada adopted amendments to the law on freedom of conscience and "religious organizations" concerning the names of religious organizations under the number 5309. From now on, the Church, which is part or control an aggressor State, must reflect it in its own name. About the evolution of the name and future of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, quoted in the article "Direct": Move away from the Moscow Patriarchate : what does the new law on the name change of churches

On January 6, the signing ceremony of Tomas on the autoenchaly of the Orthodox Church took place. Ukraine with the participation of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukrainian epiphany and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

On January 7, Ukrainians were able to meet Tomos about the autocephaly of the Ukrainian church.

On January 8, Tomos of the Autocephalous Church of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was taken from Kiev to be transported to Istanbul, where 11 members of the Holy Synod should be charged.

On January 9, all members of the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate signed Tomos the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine

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